Annul Magic

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Spellicon U.png

Cancels magical enchantments affecting your target.



1 : Cancel Magic(9)
2 : Cancel Magic(9)
Mana 75 Skill Abjuration
Casting Time 4.00 Recast Time 6.00
Fizzle Time 2.25 Resist Magic (0)
Range 200 Target Type Single
Spell Type Beneficial Duration Instant
Cast on You You feel annulled.
Cast on Other Someone feels annulled.
Wears Off
Expansion Kunarkicon.gif

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
Firiona Vie Shelae Wolfkin Outpost (-3818,1640)
Firiona Vie Arial Fern Outpost (-3238,2257)
Firiona Vie Brackin Nartoise Outpost (-3979,2612)
Firiona Vie Selien Nartoise Outpost (-3980,2626)
Firiona Vie Clarissa Heartweaver Outpost (-3864,2974)
The Overthere Finlay Kitoran Outpost (2770,2367)
The Overthere Tyrin F`Linz Outpost (2812,2405)
The Overthere Vizra L`Nizlon Outpost (2788,2427)
The Overthere Kuglaz Grot Outpost (2757,2422)
The Overthere Lissa T`Born Outpost (2737,2396)
West Cabilis Lithriss Frizen Building SE of Necromancer Guild (170,660)