Bane of Nife

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Spellicon N.png

Fills your target's blood with poison, causing 150 damage initially and 214 damage every six seconds for 42 secs (7 ticks). Total (1648) & 3.88 dpm.



1 : Increase Poison Counter by 10
2 : Decrease HP when cast by 150
3 : Decrease Hitpoints by 214 per tick
Mana 425 Skill Conjuration
Casting Time 5.00 Recast Time 2.25
Fizzle Time 2.50 Resist Poison (0)
Range 200 Target Type Single
Spell Type Detrimental Duration 7 ticks
Cast on You Your veins fill with deadly poison.
Cast on Other Someone 's veins have been filled with deadly poison.
Wears Off The poison has run its course.
Expansion Kunarkicon.gif

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

  • Kunark Level 50+ Mob Drop
  • Eldrig the Old (Kunark Epic Quests era - added Sept 2000; Part of the Skyfire Named Cycle)