Cancel Magic

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See also: Dispel
Spellicon U.png

Cancels a magical enchantment affecting your target.



1 : Cancel Magic(1)
Mana 30 Skill Abjuration
Casting Time 3.50 Recast Time 5.00
Fizzle Time 2.25 Resist Unresistable
Range 200 Target Type Single
Spell Type Beneficial Duration Instant
Cast on You You feel a bit dispelled.
Cast on Other Someone feels a bit dispelled.
Wears Off
Expansion Original.gif

Items with Spell Effect

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (CG-2) Cleric Guild (1238,-539)
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (LG-2) Library (1074,-1004)
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (NG-9) Necromancer Guild (2154,-366)
Ak'Anon Clockwork Merchant (NG-6) Necromancer Guild (2085,-370)
East Cabilis Vessel Grymm Temple of Terror (First Floor) (1018,-163)
West Cabilis Keeper Suffering Cubby near PvP Area (-382,272)
Erudin Mertitt Phentilly Cleric Guild - Quellious (Outside) (-741,-55)
Erudin Tollari Mistell Library (F1) (-1067,-255)
The Erudin Palace Telor Beteria Magician Guild (Outside) (703,806)
Northern Felwithe Celest Palestream Cleric Guild (24,-444)
Southern Felwithe Srell Tumblebrook Building just inside zone (450,-810)
North Freeport Amata D'Lavi Cleric Guild (F1) (103,311)
West Freeport Xinari Anara Caster Guild (F2) (138,-755)
The Greater Faydark Verth Mistwielder Kelethin Ranger Guild (-414,494)
Grobb Crilt - Troll Shadow Knight Guild (518,-618)
Grobb Barsk - Troll Shaman Guild (303,-417)
Halas Boraskor Shaman Guild (352,448)
Northern Karana Tak Whistler Druid Ring (-2732,-1466)
North Kaladim Zeffan Holdsman Cleric Guild (746, 126)
Neriak - Third Gate Issia H'Rugla Cleric Guild (405,-766)
Neriak - Commons Tkaz H'Rugla Caster Guild (F1) (160,-968)
Oggok Crilt - Ogre Shadow Knight Guild (276,-2)
Oggok Barsk - Ogre Shaman Guild (665,1051)
Paineel Brettas Norval Shadow Knight Guild (888,468)
Paineel Nedorl Ipabrun Necromancer Guild (674,805)
Paineel Erelin Verisue Cleric Guild (1226,551)
Rivervale Frappy Slimfinger Cleric Guild (-214,-359)
The Qeynos Aqueduct System Leon Ereek Cleric Guild (373,-434)
North Qeynos Mellisa Purgor Paladin Guild (-158,-130)
South Qeynos Pai Berenis Caster Guild (309,-608)
The Surefall Glade Durvinna Barkkis Ranger Guild (104,-111)
Thurgadin Lorekeeper Taben Cleric Guild (-227,809)