From The Firionia Vie Project
#ProTip: hit ctrl + F to FIND something on this page--there are 7,527 pages in this Category
- A Alchemist`s Acolyte
- A Banished Kerran
- A Barbed Bone Skeleton
- A Basalt Drake
- A Basher Captain
- A Bat
- A Bile Golem
- A Bile golem
- A Bixie
- A Bixie Drone
- A Bixie Queen
- A Black Bear
- A Black Wolf
- A Bloodvein Mosquito
- A Boat
- A Brittle Skeleton
- A Brownie Merchant
- A Brownie Outcast
- A Bull Alligator
- A Bull Shark
- A Bullnose Snake
- A Burynai Cenobite
- A Carrion Ghoul
- A Cauldron Hammerhead
- A Cauldron Shark
- A Champion of Innoruuk
- A Chasm Crawler
- A Chelaki
- A Chetari Deathbinder
- A Chetari Deathshaper
- A Chetari Dominator
- A Chetari dustshaper
- A Chetari seeker
- A Chokidai Fleshripper
- A Chokidai Mangler
- A Chokidai Sniffer
- A Chokidai Wardog
- A Chokidai Whelp
- A Cliff Golem
- A Clockwork Jeweler
- A Cobalt Drake
- A Coyote
- A Craknek Emissary
- A Crazed Ghoul
- A Crazed Goblin
- A Crushbone thaumaturge
- A Crypt Mummy
- A Crystal Gargoyle
- A Crystalline Gargoyle
- A Crystalline Hunter
- A Cyclops
- A Dark Elf Courier
- A Dark Terror
- A Darkwater Piranha
- A Darkweed Snake
- A Death Beetle
- A Deathfist Pawn
- A Deathfist legionnaire
- A Deathly Usher
- A Decaying Skeleton
- A Deep Forest Spider
- A Dervish Cutthroat
- A Dervish Thug
- A Di`Zok Partisan
- A Di`zok Invoker
- A Di`zok Librarian
- A Di`zok Recruit
- A Di`zok Soldier
- A Di`zok Underling
- A Disciple of Innoruuk
- A Diseased Shark
- A Dismal Rager
- A Dread Corpse
- A Drolvarg warlord
- A Drowned Citizen
- A Drunkard
- A Dune Tarantula
- A Dusty Werebat
- A Dwarf Skeleton
- A Dwarven Slave
- A Dwarven Smith
- A Faerie
- A Faerie Courtier
- A Faerie Maiden
- A Faerie Noble
- A Faerie Royal Guard
- A Fairy Guard
- A Fallen Noble
- A Female Rat
- A Ferocious Hammerhead
- A Festering Hag
- A Fire Beetle
- A Fire Drake
- A Fire Sprite
- A Forbidden Scribe
- A Frenzied Bull Shark
- A Frenzied Velium Broodling
- A Frenzied Velium Stalker
- A Freshwater Shark
- A Froglok Bounder
- A Froglok Fisherman
- A Froglok Forager
- A Froglok Scryer
- A Froglok Tad
- A Frost Spectre
- A Gale Wolf
- A Gelatinous Cube
- A Giant Black Widow
- A Giant Diseased Rat
- A Giant Fire Beetle
- A Giant King Snake
- A Giant Rat
- A Giant Rattlesnake
- A Giant Scarab
- A Giant Yellowjacket
- A Glacier Bear
- A Gleaming Sphere of Light
- A Gnoll
- A Gnoll Brawler
- A Gnoll Commander
- A Gnoll Scout
- A Gnomish Spelunker
- A Goblin
- A Goblin Alchemist
- A Goblin Archeologist
- A Goblin Bartender
- A Goblin Captain
- A Goblin Dustscryer
- A Goblin Fanatic
- A Goblin Grunt
- A Goblin Headhunter
- A Goblin Headmaster
- A Goblin Hextracer
- A Goblin Magician
- A Goblin Patriarch
- A Goblin Preacher
- A Goblin Rogue
- A Goblin Scout
- A Goblin Scryer
- A Goblin Shaman
- A Goblin Slinker
- A Goblin Soothsayer
- A Goblin Thief
- A Goblin Trailblazer
- A Goblin Warder
- A Goblin Warlord
- A Goblin Warrior
- A Goblin Watcher
- A Goblin Whelp
- A Goblin Wizard
- A Golden Haired Mermaid
- A Golem Usher
- A Gorilla
- A Greater Skeleton
- A Greenblood Emissary
- A Greenmist Diplomat
- A Griffon
- A Grizzly Bear
- A Guk ghoul wizard
- A Hamal Skeleton
- A Heretic of Odus
- A Highland Lion
- A Highpass citizen
- A Holgresh Conjurer
- A Howling Spectre
- A Hulking Gorilla
- A Ishva Lteth gnoll
- A Jackal
- A Kerra Snake
- A Kerran ademzada shaman
- A Kerran ghazi
- A Kerran pazdar shaman
- A Kerran puzhal
- A Killer Shark
- A Klaknak Drone
- A Klaknak warrior
- A Knight of Innoruuk
- A Koalindl
- A Kobold Scout
- A Kobold Shaman
- A Kodiak
- A Kodiak Bear
- A Kotiz Ambassador
- A Krag Chick
- A Krag Elder
- A Krag chick
- A Krag elder
- A Kunark rhino
- A Large Crystal Shard
- A Large Fire Beetle
- A Large Forest Crawler
- A Large Leaf Scarab
- A Large Piranha
- A Large Rat
- A Large Skunk
- A Large Snake
- A Large Wood Spider
- A Large Yellowjacket
- A Lesser Scarab
- A Lizardman Mystic
- A Lizardman Scout
- A Lowland Basilisk
- A Lteth Mal Gnoll
- A Lteth Mas Gnoll
- A Lteth Val Gnoll
- A Lteth Val Scribe
- A Magician
- A Marsh Leech
- A Mature Chromadrac
- A Minister of Bertoxxulous
- A Minnow
- A Minor Scarab
- A Minotaur Slaver
- A Mistmoore guard
- A Mortiferous Golem
- A Mummy
- A Nektulos widow
- A Neriad Maiden
- A Nightkeep Warder
- A Nightmare
- A Nisch Mal Gnoll
- A Nisch Mas Gnoll
- A Nisch Val Gnoll
- A Nisch Val Guard
- A Patrolling Tiger
- A Phase Puma
- A Pickclaw Ambushbaiter
- A Pickclaw Arroweater
- A Pickclaw Bladestopper
- A Pickclaw Cabalist
- A Pickclaw Destroyer
- A Pickclaw Fleshburner
- A Pickclaw Foechopper
- A Pickclaw Foeseeker
- A Pickclaw Foeslicer
- A Pickclaw Lookout
- A Pickclaw Raider
- A Pickclaw Slayspell
- A Pickclaw Spiritist
- A Pickclaw Thoughtshaper
- A Pickclaw Visionary
- A Pickclaw Zekspeaker
- A Pickclaw bonemender
- A Pickclaw guard
- A Pickclaw mindripper
- A Pickclaw seer
- A Pickclaw warrior
- A Piranha
- A Pirate
- A Pirate Cartographer
- A Pixie Jongleur
- A Pixie Prankster
- A Pixie Trickster
- A Plasmatic Priest
- A Poacher
- A Polar Bear
- A Polar Bear Cub
- A Priest of Nagafen
- A Priest of Najena
- A Prisoner
- A Pulsating Bile
- A Putrid Skeleton
- A Pyre Beetle
- A Pyre Golem
- A Rabid Grizzly
- A Rabid Wolf
- A Rancorous Ghast
- A Raptor
- A Ratman Warrior
- A Razorgill
- A Reanimated Berserker
- A Reanimated Conscript
- A Reanimated Hand
- A Reanimated Partisan
- A Reef Shark
- A Restless Skeleton
- A Rod
- A Rolling Plains Steed
- A Rosch Mal Gnoll
- A Rosch Mas Gnoll
- A Rosch Val Gnoll
- A Royal Fish
- A Runnyeye Conscript
- A Runnyeye Trustee
- A Runnyeye conscript
- A Sabertooth Cat
- A Sabertooth Tigress
- A Sage of Innoruuk
- A Sand Giant
- A Sand Scarab
- A Sand Shark
- A Sarnak Accoucheur
- A Sarnak Arbiter
- A Sarnak Assassin
- A Sarnak Mystic
- A Sarnak Warlord
- A Sarnak Zealot
- A Sarnak avenger
- A Sarnak bloodbinder
- A Sarnak broodling
- A Sarnak champion
- A Sarnak conscript
- A Sarnak courier
- A Sarnak enthusiast
- A Sarnak extremist
- A Sarnak flunkie
- A Sarnak gem oracle
- A Sarnak hatchling
- A Sarnak knight
- A Sarnak legionnaire
- A Sarnak rebel
- A Sarnak recruit
- A Sarnak revealer
- A Sarnak youth
- A Sarnak zealot
- A Seafury Cyclops
- A Seeker
- A Seeker of the Dark Truth
- A Serene Forest Spirit
- A Shadow Drake
- A Shadow Wolf
- A Shady Mercenary
- A Shady Swashbuckler
- A Shai`din Soldier
- A Shark
- A Shimmering Meteor
- A Shiverback
- A Shriveled Mummy
- A Sifaye Thane
- A Silverflank Guardian
- A Siren Beguiler
- A Siren Myrmidon
- A Skeleton
- A Skulking Brutling
- A Sled Dog
- A Sleeping Ogre
- A Slime Elemental
- A Small Alligator
- A Smuggler
- A Snake
- A Soul Carrier
- A Soul Devourer
- A Spectre
- A Spiderling
- A Spirit of Flame
- A Spiroc Lightbringer
- A Spiroc Lightfoot
- A Spiroc Proven
- A Spiroc Warrior
- A Spiroc Watcher
- A Splitpaw Assassin
- A Splitpaw assassin
- A Sporali Defender
- A Sporali Miner
- A Sporali Scavenger
- A Sporali gatherer
- A Sporali worker
- A Steel Warrior
- A Stonesnake
- A Swamp Alligator
- A Sylvan Protector
- A Tae Ew Spiritualist
- A Tae Ew crusader
- A Tae Ew defender
- A Tae Ew disciple
- A Tae Ew fanatic
- A Tae Ew herald
- A Tae Ew judicator
- A Tae Ew justicar
- A Tae Ew page
- A Tae Ew probationer
- A Tae Ew protector
- A Tae Ew sentinel
- A Tae Ew warder
- A Tae Ew zealot
- A Teir`Dal correspondent
- A Terror Wraith
- A Tesch Mal Gnoll
- A Tesch Mas Gnoll
- A Tesch Val Gnoll
- A Tesch Val Guard
- A Thul Tae Ew Warder
- A Thunder Spirit
- A Tiger
- A Tortured Iksar Miner
- A Tower Guard
- A Trakanasaur (emeraldjungle)
- A Trakanasaur (trakanon)
- A Troll Slayer
- A Velium Broodling
- A Velium Hunter
- A Vicious Raptor
- A Visiting Priestess
- A Wandering Wurm
- A Water Moccasin
- A Widow Hatchling
- A Wild Tiger
- A Wild Turkey
- A Wooly Mammoth
- A Worker Scarab
- A Wulfware Lonewolf
- A Wurm Spirit
- A Young Kodiak
- A Young Plague Rat
- A Young Water Moccasin
- A Zombie Sailor
- A bandit
- A bandit (eastkarana)
- A bandit (gfaydark)
- A bandit (rathemtn)
- A bandit (timdeep)
- A bandit leader
- A banished kerran
- A barbed bone skeleton (Rathe Mountains)
- A barbed bone skeleton (The Estate of Unrest)
- A barbed succulent
- A barracuda
- A basalt drake
- A basalt gargoyle
- A basilisk
- A basilisk hatchling
- A bat
- A bat (butcher)
- A bat (feerrott)
- A bat (misty)
- A bear cub
- A beggar
- A berserk brute
- A berserk fiend
- A bewildered wanderer
- A bixie
- A bixie Queen
- A bixie drone
- A bixie queen
- A black bat
- A black bear
- A black bear (commons)
- A black bear (ecommons)
- A black bear (misty)
- A black bear (rathemtn)
- A black mamba
- A black ravenger
- A black reaver
- A black wolf
- A black wolf (ecommons)
- A black wolf (feerrott)
- A black wolf (gfaydark)
- A black wolf (misty)
- A blade storm
- A blazing elemental
- A blood wolf
- A bloodgill barracuda
- A bloodgill goblin
- A bloodgill marauder
- A bloodsaber defiler
- A bloodthirsty ghoul
- A bloodvein mosquito
- A boat
- A bok ghoul knight
- A bone golem
- A bonebinder
- A boogeyman
- A borer beetle
- A bottomless devourer (charasis)
- A bottomless devourer (skyfire)
- A bottomless feaster (charasis)
- A bottomless feaster (skyfire)
- A bottomless gnawer
- A briar snake
- A brigand
- A bristly succulent
- A brittle skeleton
- A broken construct
- A broken gargoyle
- A broken golem
- A brown asp
- A brown bear
- A brown bear (akanon)
- A brown bear (qrg)
- A brown bear (rathemtn)
- A brown myotis bat
- A brownie
- A brownie farmer
- A brownie guard
- A brownie merchant
- A brownie noble
- A brownie outcast
- A brownie scout
- A buccaneer
- A bull alligator
- A bull elephant
- A bull shark
- A bullnose snake
- A burly gnoll
- A burning guardian
- A burnt zombie
- A burynai burrower
- A burynai cenobite
- A burynai digmaster
- A burynai excavator
- A burynai miner
- A burynai rockshaper
- A burynai sapper
- A burynai slave
- A caiman
- A calcified skeleton
- A carrion ghoul
- A carrion spider
- A catfisher
- A cauldron hammerhead
- A cauldron rat
- A cauldron shark
- A cerulean sailfin
- A cerulean sky gazer
- A chardoki golem
- A chasm crawler
- A chasm minotaur
- A chelaki
- A chest
- A chetari deathbinder
- A chetari deathshaper
- A chetari dominator
- A chetari dustshaper
- A chetari seeker
- A chokidai fleshripper
- A chokidai lacerator
- A chokidai mangler
- A chokidai sniffer
- A chokidai wardog
- A chokidai whelp
- A chromadrac
- A cinder hornet
- A cistern asp
- A citybound spirit
- A clay gargoyle
- A clay golem
- A clerk
- A cliff golem
- A cliff spider
- A cloaked dhampyre
- A clockwork alchemist
- A clockwork armorer
- A clockwork baker
- A clockwork banker
- A clockwork barkeep
- A clockwork bowyer
- A clockwork brewmaster
- A clockwork cobbler
- A clockwork fletcher
- A clockwork grocer
- A clockwork jeweler
- A clockwork merchant
- A clockwork miner
- A clockwork potter
- A clockwork priest
- A clockwork receptionist
- A clockwork sketcher
- A clockwork tailor
- A clockwork tanner
- A clockwork torturer
- A clockwork weaponsmith
- A cobalt drake
- A cobalt sailfin
- A coerced Erudite (Necromancer)
- A coerced Erudite (Shadowknight)
- A coerced Iksar (Monk)
- A coerced Iksar (Necromancer)
- A coerced Teir`Dal (Cleric)
- A coerced Teir`Dal (Necromancer)
- A coerced Teir`Dal (Shadowknight)
- A coerced channeler
- A coerced crusader
- A coerced dwarf (Cleric)
- A coerced dwarf (Rogue)
- A coerced dwarf (Warrior)
- A coerced gnome (Magician)
- A coerced gnome (Warrior)
- A coerced gnome (Wizard)
- A coerced goblin (Shaman)
- A coerced goblin (Warrior)
- A coerced penkeeper
- A coerced revenant
- A coerced smith
- A construct
- A contemplative thifling
- A courier
- A coyote
- A cracked skeleton
- A crag spider
- A crazed ghoul
- A crazed goblin
- A crazed iksar slave
- A crimson sailfin
- A crocodile
- A crumbling gargoyle
- A crushbone thaumaturge
- A crypt golem
- A crypt guardian
- A crypt mummy
- A crypt spectre
- A crypt wurm
- A crystal gargoyle
- A crystaline cloud
- A cursed hand
- A cyclops
- A cyclops (oot)
- A cyclops (rathemtn)
- A dancing skeleton
- A dar ghoul knight
- A dark ass`t librarian
- A dark elf courier
- A dark elf noble
- A dark librarian
- A dark offerer
- A dark ritualist
- A dark sacrificer
- A dark stalker
- A dark terror
- A darkwater piranha
- A darkweed snake
- A darkweed snake (commons)
- A darkweed snake (ecommons)
- A dead gnoll
- A deadly black widow
- A dealer
- A death beetle
- A deathfist legionnaire
- A deathfist pawn
- A deathfist scout
- A deathfist templar
- A deathfist warrior
- A deathly harbinger
- A deathly herald
- A deathly usher
- A decaying councilman
- A decaying dwarf skeleton
- A decaying gnome skeleton
- A decaying gnome skeleton (akanon)
- A decaying gnome skeleton (steamfont)
- A decaying initiate
- A decaying skeleton
- A decaying skeleton (Iksar)
- A decaying skeleton (ecommons)
- A decaying skeleton (everfrost)
- A decaying skeleton (feerrott)
- A decaying skeleton (gfaydark)
- A decaying skeleton (misty)
- A decaying skeleton (qeynos2)
- A decaying skeleton (steamfont)
- A decaying skeleton (tox)
- A decrepit warder
- A deep forest spider
- A deepwater barracuda
- A deepwater caiman
- A deepwater crocodile
- A deepwater goblin
- A defective cleaner
- A deranged madman
- A desert madman
- A desert spiderling
- A desert tarantula
- A destroyed construct
- A destroyed gargoyle
- A di`zok soldier
- A dire griffon
- A dire pup
- A dire wolf
- A diseased brute
- A diseased rat
- A diseased shark
- A dismal rage initiate
- A drachnid recluse
- A drachnid silklurker
- A drachnid silkmistress
- A drachnid silkspinner
- A drachnid silkstrander
- A drachnid spy
- A drachnid weblurker
- A drachnid webmaster
- A drachnid webspinner
- A drachnid webstrander
- A drachnid widow
- A dracoliche
- A drake
- A dread bone
- A dread corpse
- A dread widow
- A drolvarg bodyguard
- A drolvarg captain
- A drolvarg gnasher
- A drolvarg growler
- A drolvarg guardian
- A drolvarg pawbuster
- A drolvarg rager
- A drolvarg savage
- A drolvarg scavenger
- A drolvarg sentry
- A drolvarg snarler
- A drolvarg warlord
- A drowned citizen
- A druid
- A drunkard
- A dry bone skeleton
- A dry bones skeleton
- A drybone skeleton
- A dune spiderling
- A dune tarantula
- A dusty werebat
- A dwarf skeleton
- A dwarven bandit
- A dwarven slave
- A dwarven smith
- A fae drake
- A fae drake hatchling
- A faerie
- A faerie courtier
- A faerie duchess
- A faerie guard
- A faerie maiden
- A faerie noble
- A faerie royal guard
- A failed apprentice
- A fairy guard
- A fallen adventurer
- A fallen heretic
- A fallen iksar
- A fallen noble
- A fallen student
- A farmer
- A fat alligator
- A fatestealer drake
- A female rat
- A feral amalgam
- A ferocious cauldron shark
- A ferocious hammerhead
- A festering hag
- A fetid fiend (female)
- A fetid fiend (male)
- A fierce impaler
- A fiery drake
- A fiery guardian
- A fiery temple guardian
- A fiery watcher
- A fire beetle
- A fire beetle (ecommons)
- A fire beetle (misty)
- A fire beetle (qcat)
- A fire beetle (qeynos2)
- A fire beetle (rathemtn)
- A fire beetle (tox)
- A fire drake
- A fire elemental
- A fire elemental blazemaster
- A fire elemental raider
- A fire goblin
- A fire goblin scout
- A fire goblin warrior
- A fire imp
- A fire sprite
- A firescale crocodile
- A fish
- A fish (erudnext)
- A fish (erudsxing)
- A fish (qcat)
- A fish (qrg)
- A fish (tox)
- A fisherman
- A fisherwoman
- A flouting gargoyle
- A fog golem
- A forbidden scribe
- A forest drakeling
- A forest giant
- A forest giant ancient
- A forest giant arbor
- A forest giant evergreen
- A forest giant greenwood
- A forest giant sapling
- A forest giant verdant
- A forsaken revenant (female)
- A forsaken revenant (male)
- A frantic kerran
- A frenzied bull shark
- A frenzied cauldron shark
- A frenzied ghoul
- A frenzied gorilla
- A frenzied leech
- A frenzied tiger
- A frenzied velium broodling
- A frenzied velium stalker
- A freshwater shark
- A frightfinger
- A froglok
- A froglok Forager
- A froglok apprentice
- A froglok bok knight
- A froglok bounder
- A froglok crusader
- A froglok dar knight
- A froglok escort
- A froglok fisher
- A froglok fisherman
- A froglok forager
- A froglok gaz knight
- A froglok gaz shaman
- A froglok gaz squire
- A froglok gaz warrior
- A froglok ghoul
- A froglok guard
- A froglok guk knight
- A froglok guk shaman
- A froglok herbalist
- A froglok idealist
- A froglok jin shaman
- A froglok kor shaman
- A froglok necromancer
- A froglok neophyte
- A froglok noble
- A froglok nok shaman
- A froglok nokta shaman
- A froglok novice
- A froglok outlander
- A froglok priest
- A froglok prisoner
- A froglok realist
- A froglok repairer
- A froglok scryer
- A froglok sentinel
- A froglok sentry
- A froglok shin knight
- A froglok shin shaman
- A froglok shin warrior
- A froglok shinta warrior
- A froglok skipper
- A froglok slave
- A froglok summoner
- A froglok tad
- A froglok tal shaman
- A froglok ton knight
- A froglok ton shaman
- A froglok ton warrior
- A froglok tonta knight
- A froglok tsu shaman
- A froglok tuk knight
- A froglok tuk shaman
- A froglok tuk warrior
- A froglok urd shaman
- A froglok vis knight
- A froglok vis shaman
- A froglok wan knight
- A froglok witch doctor
- A froglok yun priest
- A froglok yun shaman
- A froglok zol knight
- A frost spectre
- A fungus breeder
- A fungus drone
- A fungus mutant
- A fungus soldier
- A fungus spore
- A gaduladian widemouth
- A gale wolf
- A gargoyle
- A garter snake
- A gelatinous cube
- A geonid
- A geonid shaman
- A ghastish ancille
- A ghostly ancille
- A ghoul
- A ghoul (befallen)
- A ghoul (commons)
- A ghoul (ecommons)
- A ghoul (neriakc)
- A ghoul (unrest)
- A ghoul assassin
- A ghoul cavalier
- A ghoul executioner
- A ghoul ritualist
- A ghoul sage
- A ghoul savant
- A ghoul scribe
- A ghoul sentinel
- A ghoul supplier
- A ghoul yeoman
- A ghoulish ancille
- A giant bat
- A giant bat (butcher)
- A giant bat (feerrott)
- A giant bat (misty)
- A giant black widow
- A giant briar snake
- A giant dire wolf
- A giant diseased rat
- A giant field rat
- A giant fire beetle
- A giant fruit bat
- A giant heart spider
- A giant king snake
- A giant marsh leech
- A giant mire leech
- A giant morass leech
- A giant mosquito
- A giant piranha
- A giant polar bear
- A giant rat
- A giant rat (befallen)
- A giant rat (steamfont)
- A giant rattlesnake
- A giant scarab
- A giant scarab (butcher)
- A giant scarab (misty)
- A giant scorpion
- A giant sewer rat
- A giant skeleton
- A giant snake
- A giant spider
- A giant swamp leech
- A giant sylvan bat
- A giant thicket rat
- A giant thistle snake
- A giant wasp drone
- A giant wasp warrior
- A giant wasp worker
- A giant whiskered bat
- A giant widow
- A giant wood spider
- A giant wooly spider
- A giant yellow recluse
- A giant yellowjacket
- A gigantic wooly spider
- A gila monster
- A gila monster hatchling
- A glacier bear
- A glacier yeti
- A glare lord
- A gleaming sphere of light
- A glimmer drake
- A gloomstalker mermaid
- A gloomwater mermaid
- A glowing cliff golem
- A glyphed aegis
- A glyphed custodian
- A glyphed familiar
- A glyphed forbidder
- A glyphed ghoul
- A glyphed guard
- A glyphed sentry
- A glyphed warder
- A gnoll
- A gnoll brawler
- A gnoll brewer
- A gnoll champion
- A gnoll commander
- A gnoll courier
- A gnoll embalmer
- A gnoll flamepaw
- A gnoll guard
- A gnoll guardsman
- A gnoll high shaman
- A gnoll hunter
- A gnoll prisoner
- A gnoll pup
- A gnoll pup (blackburrow)
- A gnoll pup (everforst)
- A gnoll pup (qeynos2)
- A gnoll reaver
- A gnoll scout
- A gnoll shaman
- A gnoll soothsayer
- A gnoll tactician
- A gnoll watcher
- A gnollish zealot
- A gnome skeleton
- A gnome slave
- A gnomish spelunker
- A goblin
- A goblin adept
- A goblin agressor
- A goblin alchemist
- A goblin alchemist (beholder)
- A goblin alchemist (misty)
- A goblin archeologist
- A goblin bartender
- A goblin battlemaster
- A goblin blightcaller
- A goblin bloodtracer
- A goblin bodyguard
- A goblin bonecaster
- A goblin bonecharmer
- A goblin boneseer
- A goblin boneslaver
- A goblin captain
- A goblin cavehunter
- A goblin cleric
- A goblin depredator
- A goblin dirtcaller
- A goblin dirtscriber
- A goblin dirttracer
- A goblin diviner
- A goblin dustscryer
- A goblin evoker
- A goblin fanatic
- A goblin flamedrowser
- A goblin grunt
- A goblin headhunter
- A goblin headmaster
- A goblin hextracer
- A goblin hunter
- A goblin interrogator
- A goblin jailmaster
- A goblin legate
- A goblin lookout
- A goblin magician
- A goblin mendicant
- A goblin merchant
- A goblin mindripper
- A goblin mosstrooper
- A goblin net master
- A goblin outrider
- A goblin patriarch
- A goblin penkeeper
- A goblin pit fighter
- A goblin plaguebringer
- A goblin preacher
- A goblin prelate
- A goblin priest
- A goblin rockchanter
- A goblin scout
- A goblin scryer
- A goblin sentry
- A goblin shaman
- A goblin shaman (butcher)
- A goblin shaman (misty)
- A goblin skirmisher
- A goblin slavedriver
- A goblin slinker
- A goblin soothsayer
- A goblin stalagknight
- A goblin stonechanter
- A goblin taskmaster
- A goblin thief
- A goblin thief (High Keep)
- A goblin trailblazer
- A goblin trainee
- A goblin traitor
- A goblin warder
- A goblin warrior
- A goblin warrior (butcher)
- A goblin warrior (misty)
- A goblin watcher
- A goblin whelp
- A goblin whipcracker
- A goblin witchdoctor
- A goblin wizard
- A goblin worker
- A golden haired mermaid
- A golem usher
- A golra
- A gopher snake
- A gorgalask
- A gorge hound
- A gorge minotaur
- A gorging brute
- A gorgon
- A gorilla
- A gorilla guard
- A gorilla protector
- A granite gargoyle
- A grass snake
- A gray wolf
- A greater dark bone
- A greater ice bones
- A greater kobold
- A greater kobold shaman
- A greater minotaur
- A greater scalebone
- A greater skeleton
- A greater skeleton (befallen)
- A greater skeleton (oot)
- A greater sky drake
- A greater sphinx
- A greater spirit
- A greater wisp
- A greater zombie
- A greedy beggar
- A green snake
- A green snake (feerrott)
- A green snake (qcat)
- A griffawn
- A griffenne
- A griffin
- A griffon
- A grikbar kobold
- A grikbar shaman
- A grinning gargoyle
- A grizzly bear
- A grizzly bear (qrg)
- A grizzly bear (rathemtn)
- A grubby rogue
- A guard
- A guard officer
- A guardian power
- A guardian shardwurm
- A guardian wurm
- A guk ghoul knight
- A guk ghoul wizard
- A gust of wind
- A gypsy ambassador
- A gypsy dancer
- A gypsy musician
- A halfling acolyte
- A halfling father
- A halfling grandma
- A halfling grandpa
- A halfling mother
- A halfling skeleton
- A halfling zombie
- A harpy
- A hatchling
- A haunted chest
- A haze golem
- A heart spider
- A heartsbane drake
- A heartsting scorpion
- A helot skeleton
- A helot spectre
- A helot spirit
- A hemo enologist
- A heretic invader
- A hermit
- A hiding gnoll
- A highland lion
- A hill giant
- A hill giant (commons)
- A hill giant (rathemtn)
- A holgresh conjurer
- A howling spectre
- A huge water elemental
- A hulking golra
- A hulking gorilla
- A human skeleton (citymist)
- A human skeleton (trakanon)
- A jack o lantern
- A jackal
- A jeering gargoyle
- A jin ghoul wizard
- A jungle spider
- A jungle spiderling
- A keeper
- A kerra lion
- A kerra puma
- A kerra snake
- A kerra spider
- A kerran `amir
- A kerran ademzada
- A kerran ademzada shaman
- A kerran ademzada`amir
- A kerran ahmad shaman
- A kerran amira guardian
- A kerran amira priestess
- A kerran amira protector
- A kerran awrat
- A kerran ghazi
- A kerran ghazi shaman
- A kerran ghazi`amir
- A kerran ghulam
- A kerran gorilla
- A kerran gorilla shaman
- A kerran ispusar
- A kerran mamluk
- A kerran mujahed
- A kerran pasdar
- A kerran pazdar
- A kerran pazdar shaman
- A kerran pazhal
- A kerran sha`rr apprentice
- A killer shark
- A king snake
- A kiraikuei
- A klaknak drone
- A klicnik drone
- A klicnik noble
- A klicnik warrior
- A klicnik worker
- A kly acolyte
- A kly believer
- A kly cohort
- A kly evoker
- A kly follower
- A kly imprecator
- A kly invoker
- A koalindl
- A kobold advisor
- A kobold caster
- A kobold fisherman
- A kobold guardian
- A kobold hunter
- A kobold prisoner
- A kobold runt
- A kobold runt (steamfont)
- A kobold runt (tox)
- A kobold scout
- A kobold scout (steamfont)
- A kobold scout (tox)
- A kobold sentry
- A kobold shaman
- A kobold watcher
- A kodiak
- A kodiak bear
- A kor ghoul wizard
- A krag chick
- A krag elder
- A krag warrior
- A kunark rhino
- A lady in waiting
- A lancer swordfish
- A large araneidae
- A large bat
- A large briar snake
- A large dire wolf
- A large field rat
- A large fire beetle
- A large forest crawler
- A large fruit bat
- A large gorilla
- A large heart spider
- A large leaf scarab
- A large mosquito
- A large myotis bat
- A large piranha
- A large piranha (commons)
- A large piranha (feerrott)
- A large piranha (qcat)
- A large piranha (rivervale)
- A large plague rat
- A large plague rat (befallen)
- A large plague rat (steamfont)
- A large rat
- A large rat (misty)
- A large rat (qcat)
- A large rat (qeynos2)
- A large rat (steamfont)
- A large rattlesnake
- A large rattlesnake (commons)
- A large rattlesnake (ecommons)
- A large scorpion
- A large skeleton
- A large skunk
- A large skunk (butcher)
- A large skunk (tox)
- A large snake
- A large snake (butcher)
- A large snake (qcat)
- A large spider
- A large spider (butcher)
- A large spider (ecommons)
- A large spider (qcat)
- A large sylvan bat
- A large thicket rat
- A large thistle snake
- A large whiskered bat
- A large widow
- A large widow (gfaydark)
- A large widow (tox)
- A large wood spider
- A large wood spider (misty)
- A large wood spider (tox)
- A large wooly spider
- A large yellow recluse
- A large yellowjacket
- A lava basilisk
- A lava crawler
- A lava walker
- A leering gargoyle
- A lesser ebon drake
- A lesser kobold
- A lesser minotaur
- A lesser mummy
- A lesser mummy (befallen)
- A lesser mummy (ecommons)
- A lesser mummy (misty)
- A lesser scarab
- A lesser spirit
- A lifestealer mosquito
- A lion
- A lion patriarch
- A lioness
- A lioness matriarch
- A living void
- A lizard crusader
- A lizard defender
- A lizard disciple
- A lizard fanatic
- A lizard herald
- A lizard judicator
- A lizard justicar
- A lizard page
- A lizard probationer
- A lizard protector
- A lizard sentinel
- A lizard zealot
- A lizardman broodling
- A lizardman forager
- A lizardman healer
- A lizardman mystic
- A lizardman mystic (feerrott)
- A lizardman mystic (rathemtn)
- A lizardman robber
- A lizardman scout
- A lizardman warrior
- A lizardman warrior (feerrott)
- A lizardman warrior (rathemtn)
- A lizardman watcher
- A loathling lich
- A lost apparition
- A lost one
- A lowland basilisk
- A lurking mummy
- A maddened Burynai
- A maddened burynai
- A madman
- A magician
- A maid
- A mammoth calf
- A mangy rat
- A mangy rat (misty)
- A mangy rat (qeynos2)
- A marsh bear
- A marsh bear cub
- A marsh leech
- A massive construct
- A mature arborean
- A mature chromadrac
- A mature wurm
- A mature wyvern
- A mechanic
- A mechanical merchant
- A mercenary
- A mermaid
- A militia skeleton
- A mimic
- A minnow
- A minor scarab
- A minotaur
- A minotaur elder
- A minotaur slaver
- A mire leech
- A mist elemental
- A mist golem
- A mist wolf
- A mistmoore guard
- A moldering gorilla
- A monarch fae drake
- A morass leech
- A mortician
- A mosquito
- A moss snake
- A moss snake (ecommons)
- A moss snake (misty)
- A moss snake (tox)
- A mossy skeleton
- A mountain brownie
- A mountain giant brae
- A mountain giant craig
- A mountain giant hillock
- A mountain giant patriarch
- A mountain giant steep
- A mountain giant tump
- A mountain lion
- A muddite elder
- A muddite minor
- A muddite recordkeeper
- A mummy
- A myotis bat
- A necro acolyte
- A necro apprentice
- A necro initiate
- A necro neophyte
- A necro theurgist
- A necromancer
- A necrosis scarab
- A negotiator
- A nektulos widow
- A neriad maiden
- A nesting rat
- A nightmare
- A noble
- A nok ghoul wizard
- A one eyed gnoll
- A orc warrior
- A pack rat
- A patrolling gnoll
- A patrolling tiger
- A petrifier cockatrice
- A phantasm
- A phantom
- A phase puma
- A pickclaw cabalist
- A pickclaw guard
- A pickclaw lookout
- A pickclaw raider
- A pickclaw seer
- A pickclaw slayspell
- A pickclaw spiritist
- A pickclaw visionary
- A pickclaw warrior
- A piercer swordfish
- A pilgrim
- A pincer beetle
- A piranha
- A piranha (qcat)
- A piranha (qrg)
- A piranha (tox)
- A pirate
- A pirate cartographer
- A pirate destroyer
- A pixie
- A pixie jongleur
- A pixie prankster
- A pixie trickster
- A plague rat
- A plague shark
- A plains cat
- A plains lion
- A plains lioness
- A plasmatic priest
- A pledge familiar
- A poacher
- A polar bear
- A polar bear cub
- A pox scarab
- A prickly succulent
- A priest of Nagafen
- A priest of nagafen
- A priest of najena
- A prisoner (grobb)
- A prisoner (highkeep)
- A protector of growth
- A puma
- A puma (commons)
- A puma (ecommons)
- A putrid skeleton (befallen)
- A pygmy barracuda
- A pygmy skulking brute
- A pyre beetle
- A rabid brute
- A rabid grizzly
- A rabid wolf
- A racnar
- A raging gorilla
- A raging tiger
- A raider
- A rambling fanatic
- A rancorous ghast
- A ratman guard
- A ratman inhabitant
- A rattlesnake
- A ravenous brute
- A ravenous nibbler
- A raving lunatic
- A ravishing drolvarg
- A razorgill
- A reanimated berserker
- A reanimated conscript
- A reanimated hand (Unrest)
- A reanimated partisan
- A rebel clockwork
- A reef shark
- A restless skeleton
- A revultant rat
- A ring leader
- A rock dervish
- A rock snake
- A rock spider
- A rock spiderling
- A rod
- A rodent
- A rogue lion
- A rogue marauder
- A rogue shaman
- A rolling plains steed
- A rotting citizen
- A row boat
- A royal fish
- A ruined construct
- A ruined gargoyle
- A runaway clockwork
- A runnyeye trustee
- A sabertooth cat
- A sabertooth cub
- A sabertooth grimalkin
- A sabertooth kit
- A sabertooth kitten
- A sabertooth tiger
- A sabertooth tigress
- A sage apprentice
- A saltwater croc
- A samhain
- A sand giant
- A sand giant elite
- A sand scarab
- A sand shark
- A sandbar serpent
- A sarnak adherent
- A sarnak assassin
- A sarnak berzerker
- A sarnak bloodbinder
- A sarnak broodling
- A sarnak conscript
- A sarnak courier
- A sarnak dragoon
- A sarnak enthusiast
- A sarnak flunkie
- A sarnak gem oracle
- A sarnak hatchling
- A sarnak imitator
- A sarnak janissary
- A sarnak legionnaire
- A sarnak mystic
- A sarnak partisan
- A sarnak rebel
- A sarnak recruit
- A sarnak revenant
- A sarnak scavenger
- A sarnak warlord
- A sarnak youth
- A sarnak zealot
- A savage mutant
- A scalded rat
- A scaled wolf
- A scaled wolf cub
- A scaled wolf elder
- A scaled wolf hunter
- A scaled wolf pup
- A scaled wolf stalker
- A scaled wolf tracker
- A scarecrow
- A scareling
- A scoriae hornet
- A scorn banshee
- A scorpikis
- A scorpikis scrounger
- A scorpion
- A scourgewing mosquito
- A scrawny gnoll
- A scrawny gnoll guard
- A scythe beetle
- A seafury cyclops
- A seahorse
- A seahorse matriarch
- A seahorse patriarch
- A sebilite golem
- A seeker
- A sepsis scarab
- A sepulcher skeleton
- A sepulcher spectre
- A sepulcher spirit
- A serene forest spirit
- A servant manatee
- A sewer rat
- A sewer sentinel
- A shadow
- A shadow beast cook
- A shadow wolf
- A shadow wolf (ecommons)
- A shadow wolf (feerrott)
- A shadow wolf (misty)
- A shadowknight
- A shadowy sage
- A shadowy scribe
- A shadowy scrivener
- A shady goblin
- A shady halfling
- A shai`din soldier
- A shark
- A shark (erudin)
- A shark (erudsxing)
- A shark (oot)
- A shark (qcat)
- A sharptooth caribe
- A shimmer drake
- A shimmering green drake
- A shimmering meteor
- A shimmering sailfin
- A shin ghoul knight
- A shin ghoul warrior
- A shiverback (cazicthule)
- A shiverback (fearplane)
- A shoal serpent
- A shriveled mummy
- A sifaye thane
- A silvered Tae Ew observer
- A silvered guard
- A silverflank guardian
- A silvermist wolf
- A siren beguiler
- A siren priestess
- A skeletal cook
- A skeletal excavator
- A skeletal lieutenant
- A skeletal monk (Rathe Mountains)
- A skeletal monk (Unrest)
- A skeletal soldier
- A skeletal watchman
- A skeleton
- A skeleton (commons)
- A skeleton (ecommons)
- A skeleton (everfrost)
- A skeleton (feerrott)
- A skeleton (misty)
- A skeleton (qcat)
- A skeleton (qeynos2)
- A skeleton (rathemtn)
- A skeleton (steamfont)
- A skeleton (tox)
- A skeleton sleeper
- A skeleton worker
- A skulking brute
- A skulking brutling
- A skulking gnoll
- A skulking runtling
- A skunk
- A skyash drake
- A skycinder drake
- A skyfire drake
- A sleeping ogre
- A slime elemental
- A sludge spiderling
- A small alligator
- A small coyote
- A smuggler
- A snake
- A snake (butcher)
- A snake (feerrott)
- A sneering gargoyle
- A snow leopard
- A snow orc shaman
- A snow orc trooper
- A snow wolf
- A soothebrine seahorse
- A soul harvester
- A soul inveigling
- A soul seductress
- A soul tamer
- A soul temptress
- A spectral ancille
- A spectral crusader
- A spectre
- A spectre (feerrott)
- A spectre (oot)
- A spectre (qcat)
- A spider cocoon cluster
- A spiderling
- A spiderling (ecommons)
- A spiderling (misty)
- A spiderling (steamfont)
- A spiderling (tox)
- A spiked succulent
- A spinechiller spider
- A spinereef seahorse
- A spirit of flame
- A spirit of the old city
- A spirit of the ruins
- A spiritish ancille
- A spiroc arbiter
- A spiroc banisher
- A spiroc caller
- A spiroc expulser
- A spiroc lightbringer
- A spiroc lightfoot
- A spiroc proven
- A spiroc revolter
- A spiroc vanquisher
- A spiroc walker
- A spiroc warrior
- A spiroc watcher
- A spite golem
- A sporali gatherer
- A sporali scavenger
- A sprited harpie
- A squallsurge seahorse
- A steel golem
- A stiletto fang piranha
- A stiletto tooth piranha
- A stingtooth piranha
- A stone golem
- A stone guardian
- A stone skeleton
- A stone ward
- A stonegazer cockatrice (dreadlands)
- A stonegazer cockatrice (trakanon)
- A stoneglint cockatrice
- A stoneleer cockatrice (dreadlands)
- A stoneleer cockatrice (overthere)
- A stoneleer cockatrice (trakanon)
- A stonepeep cockatrice
- A stonesnake
- A strange skeleton
- A streamer
- A stuffed barracuda
- A sturdy skeleton
- A swamp alligator
- A swamp leech
- A swampwater crocodile
- A swirlspine seahorse
- A sylvan bat
- A sylvan protector
- A tae ew crusader
- A tae ew page
- A tae ew probationer
- A tae ew sentinel
- A tae ew spiritualist
- A tae ew zealot
- A tal ghoul wizard
- A tatterback ape
- A tatterback gorilla
- A tavern patron
- A teir`dal assassin
- A teir`dal correspondent
- A templebound spirit
- A tentacle terror (Unrest)
- A tentacle tormentor
- A terror wraith
- A terrorantuling
- A tesch mas gnoll
- A thifling focuser
- A thistle snake
- A thorny succulent
- A thought bleeder
- A thought corruptor
- A thought defiler
- A thought spoiler
- A thug
- A thug leader
- A thul tae ew warder
- A thunder spirit princess
- A tiger
- A tiger (akanon)
- A tiger (kerraridge)
- A tiny skeleton
- A tired farmer
- A tormented tradesman
- A tortured soul
- A tottering gorilla
- A towering brute
- A training dummy
- A trakaraptor
- A tranquil treant
- A treant
- A tree snake
- A tree snake (feerrott)
- A tree snake (misty)
- A troll prisoner
- A troll slayer
- A trout
- A tsu ghoul wizard
- A tundra mammoth
- A tundra yeti
- A turmoil toad
- A vampire bat
- A vampire noble
- A vampire oracle
- A vampiric ancille
- A vapor golem
- A velium broodling
- A venomous spikefish
- A vis ghoul knight
- A voracious brute
- A wan ghoul knight
- A wandering greenblood
- A wandering spirit
- A wandering wurm
- A war wolf
- A ward of ro
- A wasp sentinel
- A wasp soldier
- A watchful guard
- A water elemental invader
- A water elemental wavecrasher
- A water mephit
- A water moccasin
- A water snake
- A wayward kiraikuei
- A werebat
- A werewolf
- A whiskered bat
- A white wolf
- A widow hatchling
- A widow hatchling (gfaydark)
- A widow hatchling (tox)
- A wightish ancille
- A wild tiger
- A will pillager
- A will ravisher
- A will sapper
- A willowisp
- A willowisp (befallen)
- A willowisp (commons)
- A willowisp (eastkarana)
- A willowisp (ecommons)
- A willowisp (erudsxing)
- A willowisp (gfaydark)
- A wimpy skeleton
- A windrider drake
- A woodland lioness
- A wooly mammoth
- A wooly mammoth calf
- A wooly spiderling
- A worker scarab
- A worry wraith
- A wraith
- A wraithish ancille
- A wulfware lonewolf
- A wurm
- A wyvern
- A young coyote
- A young dire wolf
- A young ebon drake
- A young halfling
- A young kodiak
- A young kodiak (commons)
- A young kodiak (ecommons)
- A young kodiak (misty)
- A young lion
- A young plague rat
- A young plains cat
- A young plains lion
- A young plains lioness
- A young puma
- A young ronin
- A young scaled wolf
- A young shark
- A young water moccasin
- A yun ghoul wizard
- A zol ghoul knight
- A zombie
- A zombie (befallen)
- A zombie (ecommons)
- A zombie (feerrott)
- A zombie (qcat)
- A zombie (rathemtn)
- A zombie guardian
- A zombie sailor
- A zombie yeoman
- Aagron
- Aanina Rockfinder
- Aarina Ratsbone
- Abandoned Heretic Pet
- Abandoned heretic pet
- Abec Ianor
- Abec ianor
- Abigail
- Abrod
- Ace Slighthand
- Admiral Tylix
- Admiral tylix
- Adon McMarrin
- Adrian
- Advisor Sh`Orok
- Aenia Ghenson
- Aeris Greymalkyn
- Aeris greymalkyn
- Agent of Kunark
- Aglthin Dasmore
- Agryn Moonfield
- Aija
- Ail the Elder
- Ail the elder
- Aimie Moonspin
- Ainla Yurimar
- Ajax
- Akksstaff
- Alan Harten
- Alan harten
- Alania Peaceheart
- Alania peaceheart
- Alanury Stormhammer
- Albain Tinderbrand
- Alchemist Granika
- Alchemist granika
- Alec Greenglade
- Alec McMarrin
- Aleena Lightleaf
- Alex McDarnin
- Alex mcdarnin
- Alga Bruntbuckler
- Alhareen the Just
- Alhareen the just
- Aliafya Mistrunner
- Alice Sweetoven
- Alicia Starshimmer
- Alicia starshimmer
- Alimaja Shanthun
- Alimaja shanthun
- Alladria Skyetcher
- Allia Moondancer
- Allix
- Allizewsaur
- Almon Juliao
- Almon juliao
- Alrik Farsight
- Altha Shadowjumper
- Althele
- Altrusan Belstince
- Altunic Jartin
- Alun Bilgum
- Alysa
- Alysa Eltern
- Alzekar Kerda
- Alzekar kerda
- Amata D`Lavi
- Ambassador DVinn
- Ambassador K`Ryn
- Ambassador Rylan
- Ambril McRohrer
- Amygdalan Warrior
- Amygdalan knight
- An Agent of Innoruuk
- An Alligator
- An Ancient Cyclops
- An Ancient Guardian
- An Ancient Jarsath
- An Ancient Mummy
- An Ancient Sky Drake
- An Ancient Wyvern
- An Arcane Elementalist
- An Arcane Incantator
- An Arcane Shapeshifter
- An Arisen Iksar
- An Elite Dragoon
- An Elite Gnoll guard
- An Elite Honor Guard
- An Elven Priest
- An Elven Slave
- An Erudin Emissary
- An Essence Harvester
- An Evangelist of Hate
- An Evil Eye
- An Evil Eye prisoner
- An Exiled Legionnaire
- An Ice Giant
- An Ice Giant Diplomat
- An Ice Giant Magus
- An Ice Giant Priest
- An Ice Giant Youth
- An Ice Goblin Scout
- An Ice Goblin Whelp
- An Iksar Apparition
- An Iksar Knight
- An Iksar Master
- An Iksar Trustee
- An Iksar abductor
- An Iksar anchoret
- An Iksar anchorite
- An Iksar bandit
- An Iksar brigand
- An Iksar crusader
- An Iksar footpad
- An Iksar hermit
- An Iksar manslayer
- An Iksar marauder
- An Iksar master
- An Iksar outcast
- An Iksar pariah
- An Iksar picaroon
- An Iksar prisoner
- An Infected Rat
- An Ishva Lteth gnoll
- An Ogre Guard
- An Ogre Raider
- An Orc Acolyte
- An Orc Berserker
- An Orc Centurion
- An Orc Conscript
- An Orc Fanatic
- An Orc Lumberjack
- An Orc Medic
- An Orc Mercenary
- An Orc Scout
- An Orc Scoutsman
- An Orc Soldier
- An Orc Warrior
- An Undead Annalkeeper
- An Undead Bard
- An Undead Blacksmith
- An Undead Brewer
- An Undead Dancer
- An Undead Steward
- An Urd Ghoul Wizard
- An aberrant
- An abhorrent
- An abstruse phantasm
- An advisor
- An air elemental
- An air elemental breeze lord
- An air elemental infiltrator
- An alligator
- An alluring siren
- An ancient Jarsath
- An ancient cyclops
- An ancient frost guardian
- An ancient ice wurm defender
- An ancient jarsath
- An ancient shard wyvern
- An ancient shardwurm
- An ancient sky drake
- An ancient tigerclaw racnar
- An ancient wyvern
- An ancille cook
- An angered spirit
- An animated scarecrow
- An apparition
- An aqua goblin
- An aqua goblin (butcher)
- An aqua goblin (oot)
- An aqua goblin mariner
- An aqua goblin shaman
- An aqua goblin wizard
- An araneidae spiderling
- An arcane elementalist
- An arcane incantator
- An arcane shapeshifter
- An armadillo
- An army behemoth
- An ash hornet
- An ashenbone drake
- An asp
- An avenging caitiff
- An avenging gazer
- An aviak
- An aviak guard
- An aviak quetzel
- An aviak ruffian
- An aviak starling
- An aviak tanager
- An aviak turaco
- An azarack
- An earth elemental
- An earth elemental intruder
- An earth elemental rockshaper
- An ebon drake
- An ebon drakeling
- An ebon mask spy
- An elder crimson drake
- An elder wyvern
- An elemental monstrosity
- An elephant
- An elephant calf
- An elf skeleton
- An elite dragoon
- An elite gnoll guard
- An elite goblin guard
- An elite honor guard
- An elven priest
- An elven ranger
- An elven scout
- An elven skeleton
- An elven slave
- An elven war scout
- An ember hornet
- An emerald sailfin
- An emerald watcher
- An emperor fae drake
- An enraged goblin
- An enraged golem
- An enslaved iksar
- An entoling harvester
- An erudite madman
- An escaped Splitpaw gnoll
- An escaped froglok
- An escaped splitpaw gnoll
- An essence carrier
- An essence harvester
- An essence tamer
- An evil eye
- An evil eye (beholder)
- An evil eye (eastkarana)
- An evil eye prisoner
- An exhausted guard
- An exiled legionnaire
- An explorer
- An ice giant
- An ice giant diplomat
- An ice giant magus
- An ice giant priest
- An ice giant youth
- An ice goblin
- An ice goblin alchemist
- An ice goblin scout
- An ice goblin whelp
- An icy goblin
- An icy orc
- An icy servant
- An icy terror
- An iksar anchorite
- An iksar bandit
- An iksar betrayer
- An iksar brigand
- An iksar footpad
- An iksar knight
- An iksar master
- An iksar necromancer
- An iksar outcast
- An iksar picaroon
- An iksar slave
- An iksar trustee
- An imp familiar
- An impaler swordfish
- An imperial Escort
- An imperial escort
- An imprisoned gnoll
- An infected rat
- An infected rat (steamfont)
- An infected rat (tox)
- An initiate familiar
- An injured brigand
- An injured halfling
- An injured rat
- An insatiable devourer
- An insatiable gnawer
- An insatiable nibbler
- An investigator
- An ire ghast
- An island madman
- An isle goblin
- An isle goblin headhunter
- An isle goblin shaman
- An isle goblin warrior
- An isle goblin wizard
- An obsidian drake
- An odd mole
- An ogre guard
- An ogre priestess
- An ogre raider
- An ogre shaman
- An ogre shamaness
- An old froglok
- An old wurm
- An onyx drake
- An ooze crawler
- An orc acolyte
- An orc berserker
- An orc centurion
- An orc cleric
- An orc conscript
- An orc fanatic
- An orc legionnaire
- An orc lumberjack
- An orc medic
- An orc mercenary
- An orc oracle
- An orc priest
- An orc raider
- An orc scout
- An orc scoutsman
- An orc soldier
- An orc warrior
- An orcish mountaineer
- An undead annalkeeper
- An undead barkeep
- An undead bishop
- An undead brewer
- An undead cyclops
- An undead dancer
- An undead foreman
- An undead jester
- An undead king
- An undead knight
- An undead knight of Unrest
- An undead marine
- An undead oblation
- An undead pawn
- An undead rat
- An undead reaver
- An undead rook
- An undead servant
- An undead training dummy
- An undertaker skeleton
- An undertow skeleton
- An undine spirit
- An urd ghoul wizard
- Analya
- Andad Filla
- Andane Starinen
- Andane starinen
- Andara C`Luzz
- Anderia
- Andres McMarrin
- Anehan Treol
- Anelia Thrywiel
- Angrog
- Ania Klephia
- Anite Gemcutter
- Ankhefenmut
- Ankhesenaten
- Ankhetperure
- Ankhnesmerira
- Ann Oma
- Ann oma
- Anson McBale
- Antian F`Lok
- Antinime
- April
- Aqua Goblin Tidal Lord
- Aqua goblin bosun
- Aqua goblin marauder
- Aqua goblin mariner
- Aqua goblin prisoner
- Aqua goblin sacrifice
- Aqua goblin shaman
- Aqua goblin tidal lord
- Arantir Karondor
- Arch Duke Iatol
- Arch Duke Xog
- Arch Inspector Nibi`zi
- Arch inspector nibi`zi
- Archenm
- Ardiflah Steadirt
- Arem Ulosia
- Argyn Shieldstan
- Arial Fern
- Arinna Trueblade
- Arinna trueblade
- Armorer Dellin
- Armorer dellin
- Arnis McLish
- Arrias Arcanum
- Arrias arcanum
- Arrivae Valleren
- Arthon Spiritsight
- Artisan Bill Whistletop
- Artisan Zermak
- Artist Passia
- Ascania Halvbin
- Ash C`Luzz
- Ashenpaw
- Asnod Marnoc
- Assa Leafwind
- Assistant Buford
- Assistant Jeyular
- Assistant Kiolna
- Assistant T`os
- Assistant buford
- Assistant jeyular
- Assistant kiolna
- Assistant t`os
- Astaed Wemor
- Astar Leafsinger
- Astral Projection (lakeofillomen)
- Astral Projection (overthere)
- Asyln C`Luzz
- Atheki Norkhitter
- Atheling Plague
- Atvo Siro
- Atwin Keladryn
- Atwin keladryn
- Avatar of Dread
- Avatar of Fear
- Avatar of Fright
- Avatar of Terror
- Avatar of Water
- Avatar of dread
- Avatar of fright
- Avatar of terror
- Aviak darter
- Aviak harrier
- Aviak rook
- Axa Stormshield
- Axe Broadsmith
- Ayth Niphiria
- Azdalin
- Azzar Habbib
- Baddi Waca
- Baddi waca
- Badoo Zumlar
- Badoo zumlar
- Baenar Swiftsong
- Bag merchant
- Bahagg
- Bait Masterson
- Baker Jena
- Baker jena
- Bakrishal
- Baldoleky Rockfinder
- Baldric Slezaf
- Baleki Nightseer
- Balen Kalgunn
- Balen kalgunn
- Balglaiel Delver
- Balglaiel delver
- Balgros McMichael
- Balgros mcmichael
- Balhallia
- Balik Wolftrot
- Balik wolftrot
- Balthazar
- Bamrih Tyco
- Bamrih tyco
- Banaf Norkhitter
- Bandl McMarrin
- Bank Clerk Jaylin
- Banker Javen
- Banker Rylisan
- Banker Tintal
- Banker Willaen
- Banor Raglesin
- Baobob Miller
- Barg Shralok
- Barg shralok
- Bargynn
- Barkeep Aanlawen
- Barkeep Jeny
- Barkeep Lysslan
- Barkeep Manlawen
- Barkeep Milo
- Barkeep Myrisa
- Barkeep Sissya
- Barkeep Syntan
- Barkeep Tuviena
- Barkeep Tvanla
- Barkeep Uulianu
- Barma Dunfire
- Barn Bloodstone
- Barnacle Bones
- Barnal Flamehand
- Barnal flamehand
- Barodreth Firefingers
- Baron Yosig
- Baron yosig
- Barrel Barge
- Barrith the Brave
- Barrith the brave
- Barsk
- Barsk (grobb)
- Barsk (oggok)
- Barstall Methinon
- Barstre Songweaver
- Barstre songweaver
- Bartender
- Barthal
- Bartholemew
- Bartle Barnick
- Basher Avisk
- Basher Banzuk
- Basher Bibeka
- Basher Bugak
- Basher Gamuk
- Basher Glaum
- Basher Gobzin
- Basher Gubaku
- Basher Kankuk
- Basher Kigak
- Basher Kumek
- Basher Nagkuma
- Basher Nanrum
- Basher Oggrik
- Basher Rakguk
- Basher Razbaz
- Basher Roruma
- Basher Scintok
- Basher Sklama
- Basher Smag
- Basher Stizik
- Basher Sutok
- Basher Thintan
- Basher Trak
- Basher Uvgin
- Basher Wisthak
- Basher Zabaak
- Basher Zazluk
- Basher oggrik
- Basher sklama
- Basher smag
- Basil
- Basil the skinner
- Bassanio Weekin
- Basten Ghunret
- Battle Master Ska`tu
- Battle master ska`tu
- Baxok Curhunter
- Bazma Brinstar
- Bazzt Zzzt
- Bazzt zzzt
- Bazzzazzt
- Bealya Tanilsuia
- Bealya tanilsuia
- Beanu Mucktail
- Becka McGuzzlin
- Bedida Claygrinder
- Bedida claygrinder
- Beef
- Beek Guinders
- Beggar Wyllin
- Behroe Dlexon
- Bejeweled Elemental
- Bejeweled elemental
- Beleth Streamfoot
- Belious Naliedin
- Bello Fruegnos
- Belux J`Ver
- Belyea K`Jartan
- Beno Targnarle
- Berane Constarg
- Berill Gladeleaper
- Berill gladeleaper
- Berinsan
- Besklor Tyrenson
- Besklor tyrenson
- Beth Breadmaker
- Betty Brickbaker
- Beur Tenlah
- Beur tenlah
- Beztopi
- Bidils the Quickhand
- Bidils the quickhand
- Bidl Frugrin
- Biggle Limbokker
- Bigilam Wantilans
- Bilbis Briar
- Bile Sentinel
- Bilrio Surecut
- Bim Buskin
- Bim buskin
- Bimble Babbinsbort
- Bimuk
- Bin Fiddlekins
- Bin fiddlekins
- Bindlegrob
- Bindolmera Greybloom
- Bink
- Bipdo Hargin
- Bisdlo Ravtahm
- Bizazzzt
- Black Dire
- Black Scar
- Blackbone
- Blackwing
- Blaize the Radiant
- Blazing Elemental
- Blazing elemental
- Blergagg
- Blergerda
- Blergrab
- Blinde the Cutpurse
- Blinza Toepopal
- Blippo Stumbletoe
- Blixkin Entopop
- Bloarn Norkhitter
- Bloated Belly
- Blood of chottal
- Bloodeye
- Bloodgorge
- Bloodmaw
- Bloodscale the Vicious
- Bloodskull
- Bloodvein
- Blorgok Gkapbron
- Blugtigin
- Blugurg
- Blyle Bundin
- Bndainy Everhot
- Bobbin Page
- Bodbin Gimple
- Bogen Chazel
- Bolace
- Bom Knotwood
- Bondl Felligan
- BoneCracker
- Bonebinder hatchling
- Bonecracker
- Bonecrawler
- Bonecrawler hatchling
- Bonedigger
- Bonlarg
- Bonn McMarrin
- Boog Mudtoe
- Boogoog
- Boomba the Big
- Boondin Babbinsbort
- Boraskor
- Borge Finleather
- Borxx
- Boster MacHadden
- Boster machadden
- Bouncer Bak
- Bouncer Bigboot
- Bouncer Bogglebin
- Bouncer Druk
- Bouncer Flerb
- Bouncer Fug
- Bouncer Gronk
- Bouncer Haraan
- Bouncer Hurd
- Bouncer Krik
- Bouncer Mrang
- Bouncer Praag
- Bouncer Prud
- Bouncer Raan
- Bouncer Scaar
- Bouncer Skon
- Bouncer Skuk
- Bouncer Tazak
- Bouncer Thrang
- Bouncer Wrok
- Bouncer Xak
- Bozlum Blossom
- Bracken Underbrush
- Brackin Nartoise
- Bradly
- Brahhm
- Brak Daggermist
- Brak daggermist
- Bran Greenglade
- Brana
- Brandyn McDonald
- Branis Noolright
- Branis noolright
- Bratavar
- Brawn
- Breck Damison
- Breck damison
- Bregna
- Brek Stolrus
- Brek stolrus
- Brellsan Tarn
- Bren Treeclimber
- Brena Donyld
- Brena donyld
- Brenon
- Brenthalion Aleslammer
- Brenzl McMannus
- Brettas Norval
- Brewer Prixal
- Breya Nostulia
- Brian Willman
- Brian willman
- Briana Treewhisper
- Briana treewhisper
- Brianna Falsruinay
- Brianna falsruinay
- Briarweb Spider
- Briarweb spider
- Bricaro Summonar
- Bricaro summonar
- Brill
- Brin McQuaid
- Brin Stolunger
- Brina Foxtripper
- Brina foxtripper
- Brinaa Darkpact
- Brinaa darkpact
- Brisha Fyrestone
- Brisha fyrestone
- Bristletoe
- Bristleweb Spider
- Bristleweb spider
- Brizzawn Villifar
- Brizzawn villifar
- Brock Brawlbottom
- Brogdog
- Brogg
- Brohan Ironforge
- Brokk Boxtripper
- Brollus Hoost
- Brona Frugrin
- Bronin Higginsbot
- Bronk
- Bronlor Lightblade
- Bronto Thudfoot
- Broon
- Brother Balatin
- Brother Chintle
- Brother Drash
- Brother Estle
- Brother Gruff
- Brother Hayle
- Brother Jentry
- Brother Nallin
- Brother Trintle
- Brother Zephyl
- Brother chintle
- Brother drash
- Brother jentry
- Brother nallin
- Brownie Scout
- Brownie scout
- Bruax Grengar
- Bruiser Noz
- Bruiser noz
- Brunar Rankin
- Brunar rankin
- Brundar
- Bruno Barstomper
- Brutol Rhaksen
- Brutol rhaksen
- Bryan
- Bryan McGee
- Bryan Mcgee
- Bryan mcgee
- Bryn Fynndel
- Bryn fynndel
- Bryndin McMill
- Bryndin mcmill
- Brynn Tinkerton
- Brynn tinkerton
- Bubar
- Bubbgrib
- Bugglegupp
- Bugrin the Gatherer
- Bukem Breewood
- Bukton
- Bull Crusher
- Bulsgor
- Bumle Reminjar
- Bumpy Quickfinger
- Bunk Odon
- Bunu Stoutheart
- Bup
- Burah Mucktail
- Burtle Barrelbelly
- Burynai Burrower
- Burynai Excavator
- Burynai Forager
- Burynai Grand Cenobite
- Burynai Sapper
- Burynai Treasure Seeker
- Burynai cutter
- Burynai forager
- Burynai grand cenobite
- Burynai squad leader
- Burynai treasure seeker
- Burynaibane spider
- Busey Nehart
- Butler Syncall
- Butler syncall
- Buzzlin Bornahm
- Buzzlin bornahm
- Byjan Timbokker
- Byl Babbinsbort
- Byrola Bendil
- Byzar Bloodforge
- Bzzazzt
- Bzzzt
- CWG Model CA
- CWG Model CB
- CWG Model CC
- CWG Model CX
- CWG Model EXG
- CWG Model MA
- CWG Model MB
- CWG Model MC
- CWG Model XA
- CWG Model XB
- CWG Model XC
- CWS Model SX
- Cain Darkmoore
- Caleah Herblender
- Caller of Sathir
- Callowwing
- Camia V`Retta
- Camin
- Camlend Serbold
- Camor V`Retta
- Canarie
- Canik Mucktail
- Caninel
- Canlan Talespinner
- Canlan talespinner
- Canloe Nusback
- Capee
- Cappi McTarnigal
- Capt Linarius
- Capt Surestout
- Capt linarius
- Captain Ashlan
- Captain Bipnubble
- Captain Bosec
- Captain Boshinko
- Captain Di`ouz
- Captain Gideen
- Captain Hazran
- Captain Keatar
- Captain N`Farre
- Captain Nealith
- Captain Nedar
- Captain Orben
- Captain Rohand
- Captain Rottgrime
- Captain Shralok
- Captain Silverwind
- Captain Surestout
- Captain Tillin
- Captain Vekeros
- Captain ashlan
- Captain boshinko
- Captain di`ouz
- Captain keatar
- Captain n`farre
- Captain of the Guard
- Captain shralok
- Captain surestout
- Captains Skiff
- Captains skiff
- Caradon
- Cargo Clockwork
- Carlan the Young
- Carlan the young
- Carpenter Grundo
- Carpenter grundo
- Carrion Queen
- Carrion beetle hatchling
- Carrion shredder
- Carson McCabe
- Carson Mccabe
- Cartographer Piri
- Cartographer piri
- Carver Cagrek
- Caskin Marsheart
- Cassius Messus
- Cathalantru Fleetfoot
- Caton Glimmerstep
- Cauldronboil
- Cauldronbubble
- Cave Bat Lord
- Cazel
- Cazic Cenobite
- Cazic Thule
- Cazic cenobite
- Cazum N`Tan
- Cecile K`Jartan
- Cedric Bramblethorn
- Ceel Moonwhisper
- Cei Sunjumper
- Celamari Marre
- Celanie Xtoria
- Celanie xtoria
- Celent Newmist
- Celest Palestream
- Celni Pawfoot
- Celsar Vestagon
- Centaur archer
- Centaur charger
- Centaur courser
- Centaur foal
- Centaur sheltie
- Centurion Relgle
- Centurion relgle
- Cerila Windrider
- Cet Hydorn
- Cet hydorn
- Chaenz Abella
- Chalea Volesga
- Chalios Bensted
- Chalios bensted
- Challice
- Champion Arlek
- Champion Thenrin
- Chamt
- Chamt (grobb)
- Chamt (oggok)
- Chan Whinstone
- Chancellor of Di`Zok
- Chancellor of Di`zok
- Chancellor of di`zok
- Chanda Miller
- Chandra Kali
- Charbone skeleton
- Chardo Ahdelia
- Charia Betou
- Charia betou
- Charlotte
- Charlotte Diggs
- Chef Dooga
- Chembla Ellent
- Chenori Berinal
- Chesgard Sydwen
- Chief Adair
- Chief Gan`Shralok
- Chief Goonda
- Chief RokGus
- Chief Rokgus
- Chief SaNre`Rexsa
- Chief Sanre`Rexsa
- Chief gan`shralok
- Chief goonda
- Child of Charasis
- Chizzlik
- Chomper
- ChonChon
- Choon
- Chopper Brenga
- Chou Whinstone
- Chrislin Baker
- Christian Hidken
- Christian hidken
- Cian McMarrin
- Cian mcmarrin
- Cikoona
- Cilin Spellsinger
- Cinder goblin
- Cinder goblin shaman
- Cinder goblin wizard
- Cindl
- Cipse Tospyr
- Cizzar J`Axx
- Clarisa Spiritsong
- Clarisa spiritsong
- Clarissa Heartweaver
- Clazxiss
- Cleaner VII
- Cleaner X
- Cleet Miller
- Cleet Miller Jr
- Cleet miller
- Cleet miller jr
- Cleonae Kalen
- Cleric of Innoruuk
- Clerk Doval
- Clockwork IIIZ
- Clockwork IIZ
- Clockwork IVB
- Clockwork IZ
- Clockwork MX
- Clockwork Merchant
- Clockwork Scrubber
- Clockwork SmithXIII
- Clockwork Sweeper
- Clockwork VIIX
- Clockwork XE
- Clockwork XIB
- Clockwork XIE
- Clockwork XIIB
- Clockwork XIIC
- Clockwork XIIE
- Clockwork XIIIB
- Clockwork XIVE
- Clockwork XIXA
- Clockwork XVA
- Clockwork XVD
- Clockwork XVE
- Clockwork XVIB
- Clockwork XVID
- Clockwork XVIE
- Clockwork XVIIA
- Clockwork XVIIB
- Clockwork XVIIC
- Clockwork XVIIIB
- Clockwork XVIIIE
- Clockwork XXA
- Clockwork XXB
- Clockwork XXD
- Clockwork XXE
- Clockwork XXIA
- Clockwork XXIB
- Clockwork XXID
- Clockwork XXIIB
- Clockwork XXIIIA
- Clockwork XXIVD
- Clockwork XXIXB
- Clockwork XXVA
- Clockwork XXVD
- Clockwork XXVIC
- Clockwork XXVIIB
- Clockwork XXVIIC
- Clockwork XXVIIIB
- Clockwork XXXD
- Clockwork cleaner
- Clockwork scrubber
- Clockwork sweeper
- Clockwork xxiib
- Clomen Walker
- Clomen walker
- Clork
- Cloud Alemaker
- Clovan McMarrin
- Clurg
- Cmdr Windstream
- Cognoggin
- Colgon Dursaar
- Coloth Meadowgreen
- Commander Kane
- Commander Sils
- Commander Thafer
- Commander Yarik
- Commander thafer
- Conium Darkblade
- Conladan Kevellian
- Conladan kevellian
- Conner O`Cooper
- Conner o`cooper
- Connie Link
- Connie link
- Construct of Sathir
- Construct of sathir
- Corak
- Coralyn Kelpmaiden
- Cordelia Minster
- Corflunk
- Coriante Verisue
- Corporal D`Abth
- Corporal Lancot
- Corporal X`Horn
- Corporal d`abth
- Corporal lancot
- Corrao Duperame
- Corrupted Brownie
- Corrupted Gorilla
- Corrupted Seahorse
- Corrupted aquagoblin
- Corrupted barracuda
- Corrupted hill giant
- Corrupted seafury cyclops
- Corrupted seahorse
- Corrupted shaman
- Corrupted wooly mammoth
- Corun Finisc
- Corundium
- Cory Bumbleye
- Cozy
- Crackclaw
- Cracktusk
- Cralk
- Cralk (grobb)
- Cralk (oggok)
- Cras Snyder
- Cras snyder
- Craven Jonsbrow
- Craven jonsbrow
- Crenn Salbet
- Crenn salbet
- Crilt
- Crilt (grobb)
- Crilt (oggok)
- Crista Tagglefoot
- Crisyn
- Cronte Deloru
- Cros Treewind
- Crovsar Dirkbringer
- Crow
- Crumpy Irontoe
- Crumpy irontoe
- Crunga
- Crusader Axmo
- Crusader Bodli
- Crusader Cotat
- Crusader Daehod
- Crusader Deezin
- Crusader Eaxl
- Crusader Ezrogz
- Crusader Golia
- Crusader Hitol
- Crusader Litia
- Crusader Mocdi
- Crusader Myxl
- Crusader Olos
- Crusader Quarg
- Crusader Reidak
- Crusader Savot
- Crusader Swiftmoon
- Crusader Swype
- Crusader Wonku
- Crusader Zixo
- Crusader Zoglic
- Crusader swiftmoon
- Crusader swype
- Crypt Mummy
- Crypt caretaker
- Crypt mummy
- Cryssia Stardreamer
- Crytil Dunfire
- Cuburt
- Curkur Shralok
- Curkur shralok
- Cyanelle
- Cylas Delbrin
- Cylas delbrin
- Cyllempra Mistbringer
- Cyllempra mistbringer
- Cyndreela
- Cynthia
- Cyria Lorewhisper
- Cyrla Shadowstepper
- Cyspeth Romtai
- Cytodl Krish
- Cytodl krish
- DPS Machine
- Daboo Dogak
- Daedet Losaren
- Daenor Casthopur
- Daevyd Londayl
- Daevyd londayl
- Dahdd Jonne
- Dahdd jonne
- Dalbar Tarbrind
- Daleen Leafsway
- Dalishea
- Dalles Cekus
- Dallisen Xalladyr
- Dalorio Blistbobble
- Dalorio blistbobble
- Damar Nislan
- Dan Wallin
- Dan wallin
- Danaria Hollin
- Dandalek Swillslammer
- Danilla Delucic
- Dannis Faleet
- Dannis faleet
- Dannos Safecoin
- Danon Fletcher
- Dansie McVicker
- Danus Kelmun
- Danus kelmun
- Dapper Blackhammer
- Dar ghoul knight
- Darfumpel Zirubbel
- Dargon
- Dargon McPherson
- Daria Smith
- Darien Felton
- Dark-boned skeleton
- Dark Assassin
- Dark Deathsinger
- Dark Elf Corruptor
- Dark Elf Reaver
- Dark assassin
- Dark boned skeleton
- Dark boned skeleton (Unrest)
- Dark deathsinger
- Darm Dundam
- Dartain the Lost
- Darthur Nightseer
- Datur Nightseer
- David
- Dayle Jornin
- DeGarran Kixl
- Deadeye (NPC)
- Dealer Maeline
- Dealer Shonta
- Dealer maeline
- Death beetle
- Deathfang
- Deathfist Pawn
- Deathfist pawn
- Deblik Grumblok
- Deblik grumblok
- Decayed footman
- Decayed prisoner
- Decayed soldier
- Decaying commander
- Decaying footman
- Decaying healer
- Decaying officer
- Decaying skeleton
- Decaying swordsman
- Deep
- Degarran Kixl
- Degarran kixl
- Deillia
- Deldryn Splendyr
- Delila
- Delin Ironblend
- Demicla Tanner
- Den Ironblend
- Den Magason
- Dena Loommistress
- Denise Songweaver
- Denken Strongpick
- Denken strongpick
- Depnar Bulrious
- Deputy Alltin
- Deputy Antana
- Deputy Asler
- Deputy Banto
- Deputy Beedo
- Deputy Budo
- Deputy Cheel
- Deputy Chopo
- Deputy Deego
- Deputy Dopkin
- Deputy Drebo
- Deputy Eigon
- Deputy Felp
- Deputy Finlip
- Deputy Fozon
- Deputy Goltin
- Deputy Gozan
- Deputy Heepo
- Deputy Higley
- Deputy Higrin
- Deputy Hiltop
- Deputy Jeggin
- Deputy Kapop
- Deputy Keld
- Deputy Leeot
- Deputy Looh
- Deputy Lowmot
- Deputy Niepo
- Deputy Olo
- Deputy Percin
- Deputy Pigon
- Deputy Pittin
- Deputy Poolt
- Deputy Quillto
- Deputy Raynin
- Deputy Regno
- Deputy Rollin
- Deputy Sertlin
- Deputy Shelmy
- Deputy Tagil
- Deputy Tilo
- Deputy Tizzin
- Deputy Tocat
- Deputy Tonlo
- Deputy Vastin
- Deputy Zopo
- Deputy tagil
- Deputy tizzin
- Derakor the Vindicator
- Derakor the vindicator
- Derasinal
- Dereu Ztr`Tn
- Derg
- Deric Lennox
- Deric lennox
- Derthix Gibblix
- Despondo
- Devin Ashwood
- Devinious Natasu
- Dewis Caneal
- Di`zok royal guard
- Dianax C`Luzz
- Dible Hedledrap
- Dible hedledrap
- Didek Stormhammer
- Digetha Chogaller
- Diggins
- Diggs Duggun
- Dilche Orlezcha
- Dill Fireshine
- Diloperia
- Dimlore Stormhammer
- Dindaek Everhot
- Dinus
- Dionin Needlespin
- Dionin needlespin
- Dionna
- Direlee Furme
- Dirjadak Barbrawler
- Dirkog Steelhand
- Dirkog steelhand
- Dirolensab
- Diseased Female Rat
- Diseased female rat
- Dissa C`Luzz
- Divn L`Crit
- Dixl Drool
- Dizra To`Biath
- Dizzl Nulzik
- Dizzl nulzik
- Djerr Darkpaw
- Dleria Mausrel
- Dock merchant
- Dok
- Dolgin Codslayer
- Dollin Nusmag
- Dollin nusmag
- Dom K`Perl
- Dom McMarrin
- Dom Pathfinder
- Dom pathfinder
- Donala Baris
- Donald McQuaid
- Donka Leafkeeper
- Donlo Goobler
- Donnel Ratsbome
- Donoven Blurr
- Dooly Jonkers
- Dooly jonkers
- Doom
- Dooni
- Doramafi Ratsbone
- Doran Glosglen
- Doran Vargnus
- Dorg McMerin
- Dorg mcmerin
- Dorlita Splitshield
- Dorn B`Dynn
- Dovan Sires
- Dovan sires
- Dovik Greenbane
- Dovon Traical
- Dovon traical
- Dozing ghulam
- Draan N`Ryt
- Dragontail
- Dragoon Artellin
- Dragoon Barber W`Selo
- Dragoon Darl
- Dragoon Szorn
- Dragoon T`Vem
- Dragoon T`Vex
- Dragoon V`Lask
- Dragoon V`Resh
- Dragoon V`Retta
- Dragoon Zytl
- Dragoon barber w`selo
- Dragoon t`vem
- Dragoon v`lask
- Dragoon v`resh
- Drake Mountainstorm
- Drake mountainstorm
- Draketamer
- Dran Hieth
- Dran `slug` Rembor
- Dranom Ghenson
- Dranot Harbin
- Dravel Axethrasher
- Drawna Opimsor
- Draxiz N`Ryt
- Draxiz n`ryt
- Draze Slashyn
- Draze slashyn
- Dread
- Dread wolf
- Dreadlord Fanrik
- Dreana
- Dreesix Ghoultongue
- Drekon Vebnebber
- Drelzna
- Dren Ironforge
- Drendico Metalbones
- Driana Poxsbourne
- Driana poxsbourne
- Drigaz Grumblegrowl
- Drill Master Dal
- Drill Master Dih`roul
- Drill Master Kyg
- Drill Master Vygan
- Drisi J`Axx
- Driver Bryggin
- Drixiv Arcut
- Drixiv arcut
- Drizda Tunesinger
- Drizel Maxton
- Drizm J`Axx
- Drona Whystlethin
- Droogo Gron
- Droon
- Dru Razbind
- Drun Vorwig
- Drun vorwig
- Drunken ghulam
- Drusella Sathir
- Drusella sathir
- Druushk
- Druzzil ro
- Dry bone skeleton
- Dry bones skeleton
- Duga
- Dugaas Helpyre
- Duggin scumber
- Dugroz
- Dulcyna Blackhand
- Dulcyna blackhand
- Dulia Jestes
- Dulia jestes
- Dumisa D`Enetti
- Dun
- Dun McDowell
- Dune
- Dunndrylla
- Dunony Chestire
- Dunore Moorwing
- Dunore Steelfinger
- Dunore moorwing
- Dunred M`Trik
- Dunvan Mercwinn
- Duppa Pickstone
- Dura Darkfoam
- Duriek Bloodpool
- Durkis Battlemore
- Durkis battlemore
- Durvinna Barkkis
- Dusis Moor
- Dusis moor
- Dustback
- Duster V
- Duster X
- Duuga Tearstopper
- Dvis Zexus
- Dwigus Lowater
- Dwigus lowater
- Dyllin Starsine
- Dyn Tarburner
- Dyn tarburner
- Dyona Rossook
- Dyona rossook
- Dyrna Nlith
- Dyrna nlith
- Dyth X`Teria
- Dzan Amo
- Dzan amo
- Earron Huntlan
- Earron huntlan
- Ebon Bloodrose
- Ebon Strongbear
- Ebon lotus (NPC)
- Ebon strongbear
- Eboneyes
- Edvard Tommels
- Edwardian Holyblade
- Edwardian holyblade
- Eejag
- Eenot
- Effunic Korett
- Efreeti Lord Djarn
- Efreeti lord djarn
- Efrelle Treiui
- Efrelle treiui
- Egasia Reenix
- Eichvul
- Einhorst McMannus
- Eithne Walker
- Ekeros
- Elbsin Denuen
- Eldak Howlingbear
- Eldak howlingbear
- Eldreth
- Eldrig the Old
- Elementalbone skeleton
- Elentar Bealtarik
- Elesseryl Terussar
- Elesseryl terussar
- Elgar Donbrand
- Elgar donbrand
- Elia the Pure
- Elial Brook
- Elin Lightblade
- Elisabeth
- Elisi Nasin
- Elisi nasin
- Ella Foodcrafter
- Elle Leafdancer
- Ellisha
- Ellona
- Elmion Hendrys
- Elna Kelpweaver
- Elna kelpweaver
- Elona McMahon
- Elona Tunbrin
- Elona tunbrin
- Elsbyth
- Elwinn Prelliaen
- Elyn Connoy
- Elyn connoy
- Elytan Rantas
- Embalming Fluid (NPC)
- Ember
- Emerald fencer
- Emerald scarab
- Emhu Mucktail
- Emil Parsini
- Emissary Glib
- Emissary glib
- Emkel Kabae
- Emkel kabae
- Emperor Chottal
- Emperor Crush
- Emperor Ganak
- Emperor chottal
- Enchanter Jolas
- Enchanter jolas
- Endan Halson
- Enderbite
- Endric
- Engorged Soulsipper
- Engorged soulsipper
- Enic Ruklin
- Ennixy Frennor
- Enpero Mesog
- Enraged dread wolf
- Enraged ravener
- Enraged spectral librarian
- Entalon
- Enyaanuia Windancer
- Enynti
- Eolorn J`Axx
- Eonis Mournunder
- Epicurean halfling
- Equestrielle the Corrupted
- Equestrielle the corrupted
- Eracon Krengon
- Erelin Verisue
- Erfer Longclaw
- Erica Swiftweave
- Erollisi Mantrap (emeraldjungle)
- Erollisi Mantrap (trakanon)
- Erollisi bloodthorn
- Errin Pinewhisper
- Errin pinewhisper
- Errrak Thickshank
- Erudite traveler
- Erung
- Eruvin T`Kix
- Escaped froglok slave
- Escon Quickbow
- Escon quickbow
- Esdia Moeba
- Esorpa of the Ring
- Esorpa of the ring
- Est Treewalker
- Estra Nancer
- Estrella of Gloomwater
- Estrella of gloomwater
- Euboea Delewyn
- Eugie
- Evah Xokez
- Eve Marsinger
- Evin X`Lottl
- Evus Doracmal
- Executioner
- Expin
- Exterminator Damasi
- Exterminator Filrog
- Exterminator Gilea
- Exterminator Larkey
- Exterminator Qalantir
- Exterminator Rasmon
- Exterminator Sutten
- Exterminator VIII
- Exterminator Valern
- Exterminator Vin
- Exterminator damasi
- Exterminator gilea
- Exterminator larkey
- Exterminator qalantir
- Exterminator rasmon
- Exterminator valern
- Eye of Veeshan
- Eye of zomm
- Ezmirella
- Faano Windmaker
- Fabian
- Faeeron
- Faelin Bloodbriar
- Faerie of Dismay
- Failed Crypt Raider
- Failed crypt raider
- Fajio Knejo
- Fakraa the Forsaken
- Faldor Hendrys
- Falia Frikniller
- Falia frikniller
- Fallen Iksar
- Fallen advisor
- Falorn
- Falthrik Lothoro
- Falyn Farreach
- Famished ravener
- Fandl Arathin
- Fangor
- Fania Esruc
- Farand Sliver
- Faratain
- Faren
- Farik the Vile
- Faril Elvebryn
- Faril elvebryn
- Farios Elianos
- Farlain Stonethrower
- Farmer Glumr
- Farmer glumr
- Farwein Windrun
- Farwein windrun
- Faydedar
- Fayl Everstrong
- Fayl everstrong
- Fearonoliop
- Feddi Dooger
- Feign Death Trooper
- Feign death trooper
- Felen Razdal
- Felia Goldenwing
- Felia Milltorn
- Felisity Starbright
- Fellesha Varshen
- Fellweni the Kraven
- Felodius Sworddancer
- Felodius sworddancer
- Felok N`Tan
- Fenalla Moonshadow
- Fenalla moonshadow
- Fendlemend Figlefop
- Fendlemend figlefop
- Fenn Kaedrick
- Fenn kaedrick
- Fento Jalla
- Fento jalla
- Feraniel Leafsway
- Feren
- Feskr Drinkmaker
- Fesse Bontex
- Fettar Steelwield
- Ffroaak
- Fhania Aserdon
- Fhara Semhart
- Fiddy Bobick
- Findlegrob
- Fingered skeleton
- Finkel Rardobaen
- Finlay Kitoran
- Fippy Darkpaw
- Fire Gator
- Fire Goblin Bartender
- Fire giant warrior
- Fire giant wizard
- Fire goblin
- Fire goblin shaman
- Fire goblin wizard
- Firiona drixie
- Firon Dernkal
- Firon dernkal
- Fish Ranamer
- Fisherman Grik
- Fishmonger Issa
- Fishmonger Jassa
- Fittorin Bladespur
- Fittorin bladespur
- Fixxin Followig
- Flame goblin
- Flame goblin foreman
- Flame goblin shaman
- Flame goblin wizard
- Flapti Bizttrin
- Flayer Hopkins
- Flayer hopkins
- Flayhte
- Fleceal Summer
- Fleceal summer
- Florence
- Flotsam
- Flyndia Deeppockets
- Flynn Merrington
- Fodin Frugrin
- Foley
- Foloal Stormforest
- Foodmaster Rargnar
- Footman M`oze
- Footman Moglok
- Footman m`oze
- Forager Grikk
- Forager grikk
- Foreman Ku`lul
- Foreman Mirt`akk
- Forley
- Forpar Fizfla
- Founy Jestands
- Fralith Thornbush
- Frankel the Pirate
- Frankel the pirate
- Frankle Ironhair
- Frannie
- Frappy Slimfinger
- Frayk
- Frebin Tinderhue
- Frederic Calermin
- Frederic calermin
- Freed Fimplefur
- Frena Runeflash
- Frenway Marthank
- Frenway marthank
- Frenzied Strathbone
- Frenzied pox scarab
- Frenzied strathbone
- Friggal Bribbitz
- Friggal bribbitz
- Fright
- Frist Furtun
- Frivsa Punox
- Friz Punox
- Frizazz
- Frizin Q`Tentu
- Froggy
- Froglok Berserker
- Froglok Escort
- Froglok Forager
- Froglok Gaz Knight
- Froglok Gaz Warrior
- Froglok Hunter
- Froglok Ilis Shaman
- Froglok Impaler
- Froglok Krup Guard
- Froglok Raider
- Froglok Repairer
- Froglok Shin Shaman
- Froglok Ton Warrior
- Froglok Urd Shaman
- Froglok Vis Knight
- Froglok Wan Knight
- Froglok armorer
- Froglok armsman
- Froglok bartender
- Froglok berserker
- Froglok bok knight
- Froglok bok shaman
- Froglok bok wizard
- Froglok chef
- Froglok commander
- Froglok dar knight
- Froglok dar wizard
- Froglok gaz knight
- Froglok gaz shaman
- Froglok gaz warder
- Froglok gaz warrior
- Froglok ilis knight
- Froglok ilis shaman
- Froglok jin shaman
- Froglok jin wizard
- Froglok kor shaman
- Froglok krup guard
- Froglok krup knight
- Froglok krup shaman
- Froglok krup wizard
- Froglok nok shaman
- Froglok ostiary
- Froglok pickler
- Froglok raider
- Froglok reet knight
- Froglok repairer
- Froglok shin knight
- Froglok shin shaman
- Froglok shin warrior
- Froglok tal shaman
- Froglok ton knight
- Froglok ton shaman
- Froglok ton warrior
- Froglok tsu shaman
- Froglok tuk knight
- Froglok tuk shaman
- Froglok tuk warder
- Froglok tuk warrior
- Froglok vis shaman
- Froglok yun shaman
- Froglok zol knight
- Froon
- Frostbite
- Froszik the Impaler
- Froszik the impaler
- Frothy
- Frugo Prigdish
- Fuga
- Fugan Mumfur
- Fugla
- Fungus man tracker
- Furball Miller
- Furtog Ogrebane
- Fuzz Selppa
- Fuzz selppa
- Fyrefly
- Gabbie Mardoddle
- Gadallion
- Gaffin Deeppockets
- Gahlith Wrannstad
- Gahna Salbeen
- Galbasi Weaver
- Galdon Vok Nir
- Galdon vok nir
- Galiel Spirithoof
- Galio
- Gallin Woodwind
- Galorin
- Galwyn Geldin
- Gambel Quick
- Gamin Griststone
- Ganbar Dundam
- Gand Truelink
- Gandari
- Ganelorn Oast
- Gangrenous Scarab
- Gangrenous scarab
- Gann Dunbull
- Gans Paust
- Gapeers Johhanis
- Garakbar
- Garanel Rucksif
- Garanel rucksif
- Gardern
- Gardunk
- Garklog
- Garn McMarrin
- Garou
- Garren D`Vek
- Garren d`vek
- Garret Zethkog
- Gartok
- Garton Viswin
- Garton viswin
- Gartonka
- Gartrog Smitehammer
- Gartrog smitehammer
- Garuc Anehm
- Gash Flockwalker
- Gasia N`Mare
- Gath N`Mare
- Gavel the Temperant
- Gaxl the scribe
- Gayle Seesill
- Gayle Weaven
- Gayle seesill
- Gearheart
- Gearin Gaxx
- Gearin gaxx
- Ged Twigborn
- Ged twigborn
- Geeda
- Geep Tresoj
- Gehna Solbenya
- Gehnon Dejartes
- Gelatinous Cube
- Gelatinous cube
- Gem cutter skeleton
- Gemcrafter Anuk
- Gemcrafter Tessu
- Gemcrafter anuk
- Gemeye
- Genda Minyte
- Gende Reldari
- General Jyleel
- General V`Deers
- General V`ghera
- General v`ghera
- Genna Lostin
- Genni
- Genniau Noghce
- Genniau noghce
- Genzal R`Jyen
- Geoard BlueHawk
- Geomar Hapera
- Geomar hapera
- Gerael Woodone
- Gerault Takenmaul
- Gerb Jinklebelly
- Germe Threadspinner
- Germe threadspinner
- Gern Tassel
- Gern tassel
- Gernatis
- Gero Yopetu
- Gerot Kastane
- Ghanex Drah
- Ghanex drah
- Ghanlin Skyphire
- Gharg Oberbord
- Gharin
- Ghemna Nyjuss
- Ghil Starn
- Ghilanbiddle Nylwadil
- Ghilanbiddle nylwadil
- Ghonic Erharn
- Ghost of Ridossan
- Ghoul
- Ghoul Boss
- Ghoul Messenger
- Ghoul boss
- Ghoul messenger
- Ghrag
- Ghul Rustem
- Giant Rat
- Giant Water Moccasin
- Giant bloodvein mosquito
- Giant water moccasin
- Giant wooly spider
- Gibartik
- Gibbon Morfield
- Gibi Bilgum
- Gibi bilgum
- Gilipus
- Gillarian Naelev
- Gilth Harvester
- Gina McStargan
- Gina mcstargan
- Gindlin Toxfodder
- Gindlin toxfodder
- Ginleen Harltop
- Gissa Brist
- Giz Dinree
- Giz X`Tin
- Giz dinree
- Gkzzallk
- Glaron the Wicked
- Glazin K`Jartan
- Glazn D`Unnar
- Glen Garginburr
- Glendl Vargnus
- Glerbella Gibblix
- Glidara Myllar
- Glidara myllar
- Glinya Sweetpie
- Glob
- Glorin Binfurr
- Glubbsink
- Glubtak
- Gluku
- Glynda Smeltpot
- Glyndur Tindel
- Glyndur tindel
- Glynn Smeltpot
- Glysin Denuen
- Glyssa Sonshaw
- Glyssa sonshaw
- Gnasher Furgutt
- Gnasher furgutt
- Gnawfang
- Gnoll Poacher
- Gnoll poacher
- Gnomish conjurer
- Gnomish curator
- Gnomish miner
- Goaad Mistigone
- Goaad mistigone
- Goblin Diver
- Goblin Drunkard
- Goblin High Shaman
- Goblin Iksar Slayer
- Goblin Merchant
- Goblin Spirit Caller
- Goblin adept
- Goblin battlemaster
- Goblin blightcaller
- Goblin diver
- Goblin iksar slayer
- Goblin janitor
- Goblin merchant
- Goblin pillager
- Goblin raider
- Goblin runner
- Goblin scout
- Goblin spirit caller
- Goblin warlord
- Goblinstomper
- Godbin Strumharp
- Golden Maiden
- Golden maiden
- Goldush
- Gollee
- Golsodix Biroboddle
- Goob Mudtoe
- Goobast
- Gord Smith
- Gordon Treecaller
- Gordon treecaller
- Gorehorn
- Gorenaire
- Gorgalosk
- Gorged Ravener
- Gorgul Paclock
- Gorgul paclock
- Gorng Alusnein
- Gornit
- Gornolin
- Gorri Fallstine
- Gorri fallstine
- Gorth Bearsoul
- Graalf Sharpclaw
- Grabah
- Grachnist the Destroyer
- Gracie F`Liler
- Gracie f`liler
- Graeme Revall
- Graeme revall
- Gragrot
- Grahan Rothkar
- Grahl Strongback
- Grahl strongback
- Grahm Embersmith
- Grahm embersmith
- Grak
- Graktak
- Gralbug
- Grallvek
- Gralok
- Gralpa Axeheft
- Grand Advisor Zum`uul
- Grand Herbalist Mak`ha
- Grand Master Glox
- Grand advisor zum`uul
- Grand herbalist mak`ha
- Granin O`Gill
- Granin o`gill
- Granthrow
- Grapok
- Grarrax Darkpaw
- Grasill Stoutale
- Grathin Nilm
- Grave Master Zo`lun
- Grazhak the Berzerker
- Grazik Plaguebringer
- Grazis L`Crit
- Greater Charbone
- Greater Plaguebone (charasis)
- Greater Plaguebone (citymist)
- Greater Scalebone
- Greater War Boned Skeleton
- Greater barbed skeleton
- Greater icebone
- Greater kobold
- Greater kobold shaman
- Greater plague skeleton
- Greater plaguebone
- Greater skeleton
- Greater spurbone
- Greater war boned skeleton (burningwood)
- Greater war boned skeleton (charasis)
- Greater war boned skeleton (citymist)
- Greeble Blacktoe
- Greenblood Zombie
- Gregor Nasin
- Gregori Lightbringer
- Gregori lightbringer
- Gren Frikniller
- Grendig
- Grendin Maze
- Grendin maze
- Grenix Mucktail
- Grennet Stormhand
- Grennet stormhand
- Greta O`Reilly
- Greta Terrilon
- Greta terrilon
- Gretamog
- Greth Truksorn
- Gretta Mottle
- Grevak
- Gridbar Galund
- Griff Candleflame
- Grigdor
- Grigga Shralok
- Grigga shralok
- Grik the Exile
- GrimFeather
- Grim Oakfist
- Grimewurm
- Grimfeather
- Grimpl Rustedcog
- Grinak
- Grinda
- Grishna Vriensa
- Grizshnok
- Grizzleknot
- Grodl Ripclaw
- Groethar
- Groflah Steadirt
- Groi Gutblade
- Groi gutblade
- Grom Shives
- Gromlok
- Gronk
- Grop
- Grots
- Grubmar Hartblak
- Grud
- Gruplinort
- Grynn
- Grynnaf Einoom
- Grynnaf einoom
- Grype
- Gryzil
- Guano harvester
- Guard Abbilash
- Guard Abrebla
- Guard Ackin
- Guard Adolar
- Guard Adolmer
- Guard Aerryn
- Guard Ainamar
- Guard Alayle
- Guard Allmayn
- Guard Alonso
- Guard Anathur
- Guard Andile
- Guard Angus
- Guard Anleal
- Guard Antilles
- Guard Armandin
- Guard Ason
- Guard Augos
- Guard Bach
- Guard Badmer
- Guard Bartley
- Guard Beatrice
- Guard Becker
- Guard Belg
- Guard Beren
- Guard Beris
- Guard Bicker
- Guard Bittmin
- Guard Bixby
- Guard Blayle
Pages in category "Mobs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 7,527 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A Alchemist`s Acolyte
- A bandit
- A bandit (eastkarana)
- A bandit (gfaydark)
- A bandit (rathemtn)
- A bandit (timdeep)
- A bandit leader
- A banished kerran
- A Banished Kerran
- A Barbed Bone Skeleton
- A barbed bone skeleton (Rathe Mountains)
- A barbed bone skeleton (The Estate of Unrest)
- A barbed succulent
- A barracuda
- A basalt drake
- A Basalt Drake
- A basalt gargoyle
- A Basher Captain
- A basilisk
- A basilisk hatchling
- A bat
- A Bat
- A bat (butcher)
- A bat (feerrott)
- A bat (misty)
- A bear cub
- A beggar
- A berserk brute
- A berserk fiend
- A bewildered wanderer
- A Bile Golem
- A Bile golem
- A bixie
- A Bixie
- A bixie drone
- A Bixie Drone
- A bixie queen
- A Bixie Queen
- A bixie Queen
- A black bat
- A black bear
- A Black Bear
- A black bear (commons)
- A black bear (ecommons)
- A black bear (misty)
- A black bear (rathemtn)
- A black mamba
- A black ravenger
- A black reaver
- A black wolf
- A Black Wolf
- A black wolf (ecommons)
- A black wolf (feerrott)
- A black wolf (gfaydark)
- A black wolf (misty)
- A blade storm
- A blazing elemental
- A blood wolf
- A bloodgill barracuda
- A bloodgill goblin
- A bloodgill marauder
- A bloodsaber defiler
- A bloodthirsty ghoul
- A Bloodvein Mosquito
- A bloodvein mosquito
- A boat
- A Boat
- A bok ghoul knight
- A bone golem
- A bonebinder
- A boogeyman
- A borer beetle
- A bottomless devourer (charasis)
- A bottomless devourer (skyfire)
- A bottomless feaster (charasis)
- A bottomless feaster (skyfire)
- A bottomless gnawer
- A briar snake
- A brigand
- A bristly succulent
- A brittle skeleton
- A Brittle Skeleton
- A broken construct
- A broken gargoyle
- A broken golem
- A brown asp
- A brown bear
- A brown bear (akanon)
- A brown bear (qrg)
- A brown bear (rathemtn)
- A brown myotis bat
- A brownie
- A brownie farmer
- A brownie guard
- A Brownie Merchant
- A brownie merchant
- A brownie noble
- A brownie outcast
- A Brownie Outcast
- A brownie scout
- A buccaneer
- A bull alligator
- A Bull Alligator
- A bull elephant
- A bull shark
- A Bull Shark
- A bullnose snake
- A Bullnose Snake
- A burly gnoll
- A burning guardian
- A burnt zombie
- A burynai burrower
- A Burynai Cenobite
- A burynai cenobite
- A burynai digmaster
- A burynai excavator
- A burynai miner
- A burynai rockshaper
- A burynai sapper
- A burynai slave
- A caiman
- A calcified skeleton
- A carrion ghoul
- A Carrion Ghoul
- A carrion spider
- A catfisher
- A cauldron hammerhead
- A Cauldron Hammerhead
- A cauldron rat
- A cauldron shark
- A Cauldron Shark
- A cerulean sailfin
- A cerulean sky gazer
- A Champion of Innoruuk
- A chardoki golem
- A chasm crawler
- A Chasm Crawler
- A chasm minotaur
- A Chelaki
- A chelaki
- A chest
- A Chetari Deathbinder
- A chetari deathbinder
- A Chetari Deathshaper
- A chetari deathshaper
- A Chetari Dominator
- A chetari dominator
- A Chetari dustshaper
- A chetari dustshaper
- A Chetari seeker
- A chetari seeker
- A Chokidai Fleshripper
- A chokidai fleshripper
- A chokidai lacerator
- A chokidai mangler
- A Chokidai Mangler
- A Chokidai Sniffer
- A chokidai sniffer
- A Chokidai Wardog
- A chokidai wardog
- A Chokidai Whelp
- A chokidai whelp
- A chromadrac
- A cinder hornet
- A cistern asp
- A citybound spirit
- A clay gargoyle
- A clay golem
- A clerk
- A Cliff Golem
- A cliff golem
- A cliff spider
- A cloaked dhampyre
- A clockwork alchemist
- A clockwork armorer
- A clockwork baker
- A clockwork banker
- A clockwork barkeep
- A clockwork bowyer
- A clockwork brewmaster
- A clockwork cobbler
- A clockwork fletcher
- A clockwork grocer
- A clockwork jeweler
- A Clockwork Jeweler
- A clockwork merchant
- A clockwork miner
- A clockwork potter
- A clockwork priest
- A clockwork receptionist
- A clockwork sketcher
- A clockwork tailor
- A clockwork tanner
- A clockwork torturer
- A clockwork weaponsmith
- A cobalt drake
- A Cobalt Drake
- A cobalt sailfin
- A coerced channeler
- A coerced crusader