Category:Primary Equipment
From The Firionia Vie Project
#ProTip: hit ctrl + f (Windows) or ⌘ + f (Mac) to FIND something on this page--there are 2,029 pages in this Category
- Abandoned Orc Shovel
- Acid Etched War Sword
- Acid etched war sword
- Adamantite Bo Stick
- Adamantite Club
- Adamantite bo stick
- Aged Blade of Falling Stars
- Aged Blued Flower Katana
- Aged Bo Staff of Trorsmang
- Aged Claw of Phara Dar
- Aged Dragon Spine Staff
- Aged Executioner's Blade
- Aged Feverblade - Bane of the Shissar
- Aged Frozen Zweihander
- Aged Hammer of the Dragonborn
- Aged Katana of Endurance
- Aged Katana of Flowing Water
- Aged Left Eye of Xygoz
- Aged Lyran's Mystical Lute
- Aged Nightfall
- Aged Pulsating Gem
- Aged Razor Fang of Xygoz
- Aged Runestone Maul
- Aged Scimitar of Lifestealing
- Aged Shissar Apothic Staff
- Aged Shissar Deathspeaker Staff
- Aged Shissar Elementalist's Staff
- Aged Shissar Focus Staff
- Aged Smoldering Cudgel
- Aged Spear of Constriction
- Aged Staff of Null
- Aged Star of the Guardian
- Aged Sword of Rile
- Aged Velium Claidhmore
- Aged blued flower katana
- Aged bo staff of trorsmang
- Aged claw of phara dar
- Aged executioner's blade
- Aged feverblade - bane of the shissar
- Aged frozen zweihander
- Aged katana of endurance
- Aged katana of flowing water
- Aged left eye of xygoz
- Aged lyran's mystical lute
- Aged nightfall
- Aged pulsating gem
- Aged razor fang of xygoz
- Aged runestone maul
- Aged scimitar of lifestealing
- Aged shissar deathspeaker staff
- Aged shissar elementalist's staff
- Aged shissar focus staff
- Aged smoldering cudgel
- Aged staff of null
- Aged star of the guardian
- Aged sword of rile
- Aged velium claidhmore
- Agilmente's Flute of Flight
- Aglthin's Fishing Pole
- Air
- Aldryn, Blade of the Ocean
- Aldryn, blade of the ocean
- Amygdalan Tendril
- Amygdalan tendril
- An Oaken Scimitar
- Anatase Chip
- Anatase Fragment
- Anatase Gem
- Anatase Segment
- Anatase Shard
- Ancient Fishing Pole
- Ancient Longsword
- Ancient Snake Fang
- Ancient snake fang
- Anklesmasher
- Antonian Long Sword
- Antonian long sword
- Arbitor's Combine Greatsword
- Arbitor's combine greatsword
- Argent Defender
- Argent Protector
- Argent protector
- Arydryidriyorn
- Ashenbone Abbasi
- Ashenbone Axe
- Ashenbone Warhammer
- Ashenwood Short Spear
- Ashenwood short spear
- Axe
- Axe of Destruction
- Axe of Lost Souls
- Axe of the Iron Back
- Axe of the Kromzek Kings
- Axe of the Slayers
- Axe of the iron back
- Balanced Fer`Esh
- Balanced Shan`Tok
- Balanced Sheer Blade
- Balanced Velium Warsword
- Balanced War Axe
- Balanced shan`tok
- Balanced sheer blade
- Balanced velium warsword
- Bamboo Bo Stick
- Bamboo Bokken
- Bamboo Tanto Bo
- Bamboo Wakizashi Bo
- Bamboo bo stick
- Bamboo wakizashi bo
- Barbarian Spiritist`s Hammer
- Barbarian spiritist`s hammer
- Barbed Leather Whip
- Barbed Scaled Whip
- Barbed leather whip
- Barbed scaled whip
- Bargynn's Digger
- Bargynn's Torch
- Bargynn's digger
- Bargynn's torch
- Bastard Sword
- Baton of Faith
- Baton of Royal Stature
- Baton of faith
- Baton of royal stature
- Battle Axe
- Battle Staff
- Battle Worn Halberd
- Beckon
- Beetle Stinger
- Beetle stinger
- Big Bruiser
- Big bruiser
- Bioluminescent Orb
- Bixie Stinger
- Bixie Sword Blade
- Bixie sword blade
- Black Tome with Silver Runes
- Black tome with silver runes
- Blackened Alloy Bastard Sword
- Blackened Alloy Longsword
- Blackened Iron Bastard Sword
- Blackened Iron Eye Totem
- Blackened Lava Rock
- Blackened Sapphire
- Blackened Wand
- Blackened alloy bastard sword
- Blackened alloy longsword
- Blackened lava rock
- Blackjack
- Blackstone Maul
- Blackstone maul
- BladeStorm, Katana of Steel Sleet
- Blade of Abrogation
- Blade of Falling Stars
- Blade of Fiery Lamentations
- Blade of Passage
- Blade of Shadowed Flame
- Blade of Strategy
- Blade of Tactics
- Blade of Xalgoz
- Blade of abrogation
- Blade of fiery lamentations
- Blade of passage
- Blade of strategy
- Blade of tactics
- Blade of the Black Dragon Eye
- Blade of the Earthcaller
- Blade of the Green Dragon Eye
- Blade of the green dragon eye
- Blade of xalgoz
- Bladed Thulian Claws
- Bladestorm, Katana of Steel Sleet
- Blazing Wand
- Blight, Hammer of the Scourge
- Blight, hammer of the scourge
- Blood Crusted Two-Handed Sword
- Blood Fire
- Blood Fork
- Blood Orchid Katana
- Blood Point
- Blood Riven Axe
- Blood Runed Scimitar
- Blood Runed Short Sword
- Blood fire
- Blood point
- Blood runed scimitar
- Bloodblack Wand
- Bloodblack wand
- Bloodforge Hammer
- Bloodforge hammer
- Bloodmoon
- Bloody Dirk
- Bloody Shank
- Blue Crystal Staff
- Blue crystal staff
- Blued Flower Katana
- Blued Two-Handed Hammer
- Blued flower katana
- Bo Staff of Trorsmang
- Bo Stick
- Bo stick
- Bone Bladed Claymore
- Bone Razor
- Bone Totem
- Bone razor
- Boneshear
- Bonethunder Staff
- Brass Goblin Flamberge
- Brass Knuckles
- Brazen Brass Kilij
- Breath of Harmony
- Breath of harmony
- Breezeboot's Frigid Gnasher
- Brell's Keg Popper
- Brell's keg popper
- Briarzephyr
- Brilliant Sword of Faith
- Broad Sword
- Brokenskull Club
- Bronze Axe
- Bronze Bastard Sword
- Bronze Battle Axe
- Bronze Broad Sword
- Bronze Claymore
- Bronze Dagger
- Bronze Flail
- Bronze Halberd
- Bronze Jutte
- Bronze Katana
- Bronze Knuckles
- Bronze Kusarigama
- Bronze Long Sword
- Bronze Mace
- Bronze Main Gauche
- Bronze Morning Star
- Bronze Naginata
- Bronze Rapier
- Bronze Scimitar
- Bronze Scythe
- Bronze Short Sword
- Bronze Shortened Spear
- Bronze Spear
- Bronze Tachi
- Bronze Tanto
- Bronze Tonfa
- Bronze Two Handed Battle Axe
- Bronze Two Handed Hammer
- Bronze Two Handed Sword
- Bronze Ulak
- Bronze Wakizashi
- Bronze Warclub
- Bronze Warhammer
- Bronze Yari
- Bronze tachi
- Bronze yari
- Bronzewood Staff
- Bronzewood staff
- Broom
- Broom of Trilon
- Broom of trilon
- Brutechopper
- Bull Smasher
- Bunker Battle Blade
- Burned Out Lightstone
- Burned out Lightstone
- Burned out lightstone
- Burning Rapier
- Burnished Wooden Stave
- Burnished wooden stave
- Burnt Wood Staff
- Burynai Digmaster's Claw
- Burynai Leg Ripper
- Burynai digmaster's claw
- Burynai leg ripper
- Burynaibane Spider Fang
- Burynaibane spider fang
- Butcher Knife
- Candle of Bravery
- Cane of Harmony
- Cane of harmony
- Cane of the Tranquil
- Cane of the tranquil
- Canyoneer Pike
- Canyoneer pike
- Carved Velium Brawl Stick
- Carved velium brawl stick
- Cast-Iron Long Sword
- Cast-Iron Rapier
- Cast-Iron Warhammer
- Cast Iron Stein
- Cat O' Nine Tails
- Cat o' Nine Tails
- Cazic Quill
- Cazic quill
- Ceramic Dirk
- Ceremonial Wedding Sword
- Ceremonial wedding sword
- Chalice of Kings
- Champion's Mancatcher
- Champion's mancatcher
- Chaotic Feedback
- Charred Black Staff
- Charred Dagger
- Charred Tulwar
- Chelaki Tail
- Chelaki tail
- Chetari Wardstaff
- Chetari wardstaff
- Chipped Bone Rod
- Cinctured Whip
- Clawed Griffin Sword
- Clawed griffin sword
- Clay Totem
- Clay totem
- Claymore
- Club
- Club*
- Club of the Ice Ocean
- Club of the ice ocean
- Code of Zan Fi
- Cold Iron Morning Star
- Collapsible Fishing Pole
- Combine Dagger
- Combine Great Staff
- Combine Long Sword
- Combine Morning Star
- Combine Rapier
- Combine Scimitar
- Combine Short Sword
- Combine Spear
- Combine Two Handed Sword
- Combine Warhammer
- Combine dagger
- Combine great staff
- Combine long sword
- Combine morning star
- Combine rapier
- Combine scimitar
- Combine spear
- Combine warhammer
- Complete Heal
- Cone of the Mystics
- Cone of the mystics
- Coral Trident
- Corrupted Ghoulbane
- Cracked Branch
- Cracked Claw of Zlandicar
- Cracked Femur
- Cracked Staff
- Cracked branch
- Cracked claw of zlandicar
- Crafted Velium Brawl Stick
- Crafted Velium Claidhmore
- Crafted Velium Warsword
- Crafted velium brawl stick
- Crafted velium claidhmore
- Crafted velium warsword
- Craslith
- Crescent Blades of Luclin
- Crescent blades of luclin
- Crookstinger
- Cros Treewind's Staff
- Crude Wooden Flute
- Crusader's Khukri
- Cryptrobber's Knife
- Cryptrobber's knife
- Crystalline Blade
- Crystalline Claw Dagger
- Crystalline Orb
- Crystalline Short Sword
- Crystalline Spear
- Crystalline claw dagger
- Crystalline short sword
- Crystalline spear
- Crystallized Shadow Claymore
- Crystallized Shadow Dagger
- Crystallized Shadow Long Sword
- Crystallized Shadow Rapier
- Crystallized Shadow Scimitar
- Crystallized Shadow Short Sword
- Crystallized Shadow Spear
- Crystallized Shadow Star
- Crystallized Shadow Warhammer
- Crystallized shadow claymore
- Crystallized shadow dagger
- Crystallized shadow long sword
- Crystallized shadow rapier
- Crystallized shadow scimitar
- Crystallized shadow short sword
- Crystallized shadow spear
- Crystallized shadow star
- Crystallized shadow warhammer
- Culler
- Dagarn's Tail
- Dagas
- Dagger
- Dagger of Dropping
- Dagger of Frost
- Dagger of Marnek
- Dark Ember
- Dark Oak Shillelagh
- Dark Reaver
- Dark Spear of Venom
- Dark ember
- Dark spear of venom
- Darkmetal Holy Water Sprinkler
- Darksea Harpoon
- Darksea harpoon
- Darksight Dagger
- Darkwood Staff
- Darkwood staff
- DawnFire, Morning Star of Light
- Dawnchaser
- Dawnfire, morning star of light
- Deadwood Stave
- Deathbringer's Rod
- Deathwatch Sword
- Deathwatch sword
- Deep Six Cutlass
- Deepwater Harpoon
- Denon's Horn of Disaster
- Despair
- Di'zok Imperial Katana
- Di'zok Wristsnapper
- Di'zok imperial katana
- Di'zok wristsnapper
- Di`zok Escape Staff
- Di`zok Oracle Shillelagh
- Di`zok Sceptre of Authority
- Di`zok oracle shillelagh
- Di`zok sceptre of authority
- Diamond Encrusted Staff
- Diamond Rod
- Dioptase Chip
- Dioptase Fragment
- Dioptase Gem
- Dioptase Segment
- Dioptase Shard
- Dirk of the Dain
- Dirk of the dain
- Diviner's Bowl
- Djinni Stave
- Djinni War Blade
- Djinni stave
- Double-bladed Bone Axe
- Double-bladed bone axe
- Drachnid Leg Tip
- Drachnid leg tip
- Dragon Horn Ykesha
- Dragon Spine Staff
- Dragon horn ykesha
- Dragon spine staff
- Dragoon Dirk
- Dragoon dirk
- Drogan Obsidian Dagger
- Druid Epic Quest
- Drums of the Beast
- Dull Wooden Spear
- Dull wooden spear
- Dwarven Axe
- Dwarven Mace
- Dwarven Sap
- Dwarven Smiths Hammer
- Dwarven Two-Handed Axe
- Dwarven mace
- Dwarven sap
- Earth
- Earthcaller
- Earthen Blade
- Earthshaker
- Ebon Dagger
- Ebon Mace
- Ebon Razor
- Ebon Wand
- Ebon War Spear
- Ebon mace
- Ebon razor
- Ebon wand
- Ebon war spear
- Ebonsting
- Ebonwood Cudgel
- Ebonwood cudgel
- Ebony Bladed Sword
- Ebony bladed sword
- Edge of Cabilis
- Edge of the Nightwalker
- Edge of the nightwalker
- Efreeti Battle Axe
- Efreeti Great Staff
- Efreeti Long Sword
- Efreeti Mace
- Efreeti Magi Staff
- Efreeti Scimitar
- Efreeti Standard
- Efreeti War Axe
- Efreeti War Club
- Efreeti War Horn
- Efreeti War Maul
- Efreeti War Spear
- Efreeti War Staff
Pages in category "Primary Equipment"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,029 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Abandoned Orc Shovel
- Acid Etched War Sword
- Acid etched war sword
- Adamantite Bo Stick
- Adamantite bo stick
- Adamantite Club
- Aged Blade of Falling Stars
- Aged Blued Flower Katana
- Aged blued flower katana
- Aged Bo Staff of Trorsmang
- Aged bo staff of trorsmang
- Aged Claw of Phara Dar
- Aged claw of phara dar
- Aged Dragon Spine Staff
- Aged Executioner's Blade
- Aged executioner's blade
- Aged Feverblade - Bane of the Shissar
- Aged feverblade - bane of the shissar
- Aged Frozen Zweihander
- Aged frozen zweihander
- Aged Hammer of the Dragonborn
- Aged Katana of Endurance
- Aged katana of endurance
- Aged Katana of Flowing Water
- Aged katana of flowing water
- Aged Left Eye of Xygoz
- Aged left eye of xygoz
- Aged Lyran's Mystical Lute
- Aged lyran's mystical lute
- Aged Nightfall
- Aged nightfall
- Aged Pulsating Gem
- Aged pulsating gem
- Aged Razor Fang of Xygoz
- Aged razor fang of xygoz
- Aged Runestone Maul
- Aged runestone maul
- Aged Scimitar of Lifestealing
- Aged scimitar of lifestealing
- Aged Shissar Apothic Staff
- Aged Shissar Deathspeaker Staff
- Aged shissar deathspeaker staff
- Aged Shissar Elementalist's Staff
- Aged shissar elementalist's staff
- Aged Shissar Focus Staff
- Aged shissar focus staff
- Aged Smoldering Cudgel
- Aged smoldering cudgel
- Aged Spear of Constriction
- Aged Staff of Null
- Aged staff of null
- Aged Star of the Guardian
- Aged star of the guardian
- Aged Sword of Rile
- Aged sword of rile
- Aged Velium Claidhmore
- Aged velium claidhmore
- Agilmente's Flute of Flight
- Aglthin's Fishing Pole
- Air
- Aldryn, Blade of the Ocean
- Aldryn, blade of the ocean
- Amygdalan Tendril
- Amygdalan tendril
- An Oaken Scimitar
- Anatase Chip
- Anatase Fragment
- Anatase Gem
- Anatase Segment
- Anatase Shard
- Ancient Fishing Pole
- Ancient Longsword
- Ancient Snake Fang
- Ancient snake fang
- Anklesmasher
- Antonian Long Sword
- Antonian long sword
- Arbitor's Combine Greatsword
- Arbitor's combine greatsword
- Argent Defender
- Argent Protector
- Argent protector
- Arydryidriyorn
- Ashenbone Abbasi
- Ashenbone Axe
- Ashenbone Warhammer
- Ashenwood Short Spear
- Ashenwood short spear
- Axe
- Axe of Destruction
- Axe of Lost Souls
- Axe of the Iron Back
- Axe of the iron back
- Axe of the Kromzek Kings
- Axe of the Slayers
- Balanced Fer`Esh
- Balanced Shan`Tok
- Balanced shan`tok
- Balanced Sheer Blade
- Balanced sheer blade
- Balanced Velium Warsword
- Balanced velium warsword
- Balanced War Axe
- Bamboo Bo Stick
- Bamboo bo stick
- Bamboo Bokken
- Bamboo Tanto Bo
- Bamboo Wakizashi Bo
- Bamboo wakizashi bo
- Barbarian Spiritist`s Hammer
- Barbarian spiritist`s hammer
- Barbed Leather Whip
- Barbed leather whip
- Barbed Scaled Whip
- Barbed scaled whip
- Bargynn's Digger
- Bargynn's digger
- Bargynn's Torch
- Bargynn's torch
- Bastard Sword
- Baton of Faith
- Baton of faith
- Baton of Royal Stature
- Baton of royal stature
- Battle Axe
- Battle Staff
- Battle Worn Halberd
- Beckon
- Beetle stinger
- Beetle Stinger
- Big Bruiser
- Big bruiser
- Bioluminescent Orb
- Bixie Stinger
- Bixie Sword Blade
- Bixie sword blade
- Black Tome with Silver Runes
- Black tome with silver runes
- Blackened Alloy Bastard Sword
- Blackened alloy bastard sword
- Blackened Alloy Longsword
- Blackened alloy longsword
- Blackened Iron Bastard Sword
- Blackened Iron Eye Totem
- Blackened Lava Rock
- Blackened lava rock
- Blackened Sapphire
- Blackened Wand
- Blackjack
- Blackstone Maul
- Blackstone maul
- Blade of Abrogation
- Blade of abrogation
- Blade of Falling Stars
- Blade of Fiery Lamentations
- Blade of fiery lamentations
- Blade of Passage
- Blade of passage
- Blade of Shadowed Flame
- Blade of Strategy
- Blade of strategy
- Blade of Tactics
- Blade of tactics
- Blade of the Black Dragon Eye
- Blade of the Earthcaller
- Blade of the Green Dragon Eye
- Blade of the green dragon eye
- Blade of Xalgoz
- Blade of xalgoz
- Bladed Thulian Claws
- BladeStorm, Katana of Steel Sleet
- Bladestorm, Katana of Steel Sleet
- Blazing Wand
- Blight, Hammer of the Scourge
- Blight, hammer of the scourge
- Blood Crusted Two-Handed Sword
- Blood Fire
- Blood fire
- Blood Fork
- Blood Orchid Katana
- Blood Point
- Blood point
- Blood Riven Axe
- Blood Runed Scimitar
- Blood runed scimitar
- Blood Runed Short Sword
- Bloodblack Wand
- Bloodblack wand
- Bloodforge Hammer
- Bloodforge hammer
- Bloodmoon
- Bloody Dirk
- Bloody Shank
- Blue Crystal Staff
- Blue crystal staff
- Blued Flower Katana
- Blued flower katana
- Blued Two-Handed Hammer
- Bo Staff of Trorsmang
- Bo Stick