Category:Shield Item
From The Firionia Vie Project
#ProTip: hit ctrl + f (Windows) or ⌘ + f (Mac) to FIND something on this page--there are 183 pages in this Category
- Charred Guardian Shield
- Charred guardian shield
- Chitin Shell Shield
- Chitin shell shield
- Clay Guardian Shield
- Clay guardian shield
- Cracked Darkwood Shield
- Cracked Paineel Shield
- Cracked darkwood shield
- Crested Mistmoore Shield
- Crested mistmoore shield
- Cryosilk Armor
- Cryosilk Webshield
- Crystal Rod of Confusion
- Curscale Buckler
- Curscale buckler
- Iksar Skyiron Targ Shield
- Iksar Targ Shield
- Iksar skyiron targ shield
- Iksar targ shield
- Imbued Northman Kite Shield
- Imbued Shield of Paineel
- Imbued Teir`Dal Dragoon Shield
- Imbued Woodlanders Shield
- Imbued northman kite shield
- Imbued teir`dal dragoon shield
- Imbued woodlanders shield
- Insignia Protector
- Insignia protector
- Iron Scroll of War
- Iron scroll of war
- Sarnak Battle Shield
- Sarnak battle shield
- Scute Shield
- Scute shield
- Seafarers Buckler Shield
- Seafarers buckler shield
- Sentry Shield
- Sentry shield
- Sharkskin Shield
- Shield of Dreams
- Shield of Elders
- Shield of Falsehood
- Shield of Fire
- Shield of Kurn
- Shield of Prexus
- Shield of Rainbow Hues
- Shield of Spectral Essence
- Shield of Thorns
- Shield of dreams
- Shield of kurn
- Shield of rainbow hues
- Shield of spectral essence
- Shield of the Forlorn
- Shield of the Freezing Winds
- Shield of the Green Dragon
- Shield of the Immaculate
- Shield of the Red Dragon
- Shield of the Slain Unicorn
- Shield of the Stalwart Seas
- Shield of the Water Dragon
- Shield of the Way
- Shield of the White Dragon
- Shield of the green dragon
- Shield of the red dragon
- Shield of the slain unicorn
- Shield of the water dragon
- Shield of the way
- Shield of the white dragon
- Shimmering Orb
- Shimmering orb
- Shiny Brass Shield
- Silent Watch Shield
- Siren's Shield
- Slithinis's Shield
- Slithinis's shield
- Small Buckler
- Small Kite Shield
- Small Round Shield
- Small Shield
- Small Targ Shield
- Small Tower Shield
- Small Wooden Kite Shield
- Small Wooden Shield
- Small buckler
- Small wooden kite shield
- Spitestone Shield
- Strathbone Shell Shield
- Strathbone shell shield
Pages in category "Shield Item"
The following 183 pages are in this category, out of 183 total.
- Charred Guardian Shield
- Charred guardian shield
- Chitin Shell Shield
- Chitin shell shield
- Clay Guardian Shield
- Clay guardian shield
- Cracked Darkwood Shield
- Cracked darkwood shield
- Cracked Paineel Shield
- Crested Mistmoore Shield
- Crested mistmoore shield
- Cryosilk Armor
- Cryosilk Webshield
- Crystal Rod of Confusion
- Curscale Buckler
- Curscale buckler
- Iksar Skyiron Targ Shield
- Iksar skyiron targ shield
- Iksar Targ Shield
- Iksar targ shield
- Imbued Northman Kite Shield
- Imbued northman kite shield
- Imbued Shield of Paineel
- Imbued Teir`Dal Dragoon Shield
- Imbued teir`dal dragoon shield
- Imbued Woodlanders Shield
- Imbued woodlanders shield
- Insignia Protector
- Insignia protector
- Iron Scroll of War
- Iron scroll of war
- Sarnak Battle Shield
- Sarnak battle shield
- Scute Shield
- Scute shield
- Seafarers Buckler Shield
- Seafarers buckler shield
- Sentry Shield
- Sentry shield
- Sharkskin Shield
- Shield of Dreams
- Shield of dreams
- Shield of Elders
- Shield of Falsehood
- Shield of Fire
- Shield of Kurn
- Shield of kurn
- Shield of Prexus
- Shield of Rainbow Hues
- Shield of rainbow hues
- Shield of Spectral Essence
- Shield of spectral essence
- Shield of the Forlorn
- Shield of the Freezing Winds
- Shield of the Green Dragon
- Shield of the green dragon
- Shield of the Immaculate
- Shield of the Red Dragon
- Shield of the red dragon
- Shield of the Slain Unicorn
- Shield of the slain unicorn
- Shield of the Stalwart Seas
- Shield of the Water Dragon
- Shield of the water dragon
- Shield of the Way
- Shield of the way
- Shield of the White Dragon
- Shield of the white dragon
- Shield of Thorns
- Shimmering Orb
- Shimmering orb
- Shiny Brass Shield
- Silent Watch Shield
- Siren's Shield
- Slithinis's Shield
- Slithinis's shield
- Small Buckler
- Small buckler
- Small Kite Shield
- Small Round Shield
- Small Shield
- Small Targ Shield
- Small Tower Shield
- Small Wooden Kite Shield
- Small wooden kite shield
- Small Wooden Shield
- Spitestone Shield
- Strathbone Shell Shield
- Strathbone shell shield