Dark Elf
In Game Description
The Teir`Dal, or Dark Elves, are a twisted reflection of the Elves of light, but are just as lithe and intelligent as their cousins. Their features are often soft and delicate, though the eyes of the Dark Elves betray their darker inclinations. The Dark Elves' skin ranges from blue tones to black and their hair is most often white with some variances. They reach a height of about five feet tall.
Innoruuk, Lord of Hate, created the Teir`Dal and his hatred flows through their veins and moves their black hearts. It runs so deep that the Teir`Dal hate all, including their own kind and their creator.
The Dark Elves view all other races as inferior; tools to be used for their own evil manipulations. Most races fear the Dark Elves. The Teir`Dal would desire the fall of the rest of the Elven world, leaving them broken, eradicated, or enslaved. Though viewed as inferior and dimwitted, Trolls and Ogres are tolerated as they are useful in the Teir`Dal plans for conquest.
There is a labyrinth of evil under the Nektulos Forest called Neriak, the home city of the Dark Elves. Its entrance is deep within gloomy shadows of the woods.
Additional Info
Dark Elves are the epitome of evil in Norrath. Vicious, cruel and extremely intelligent, Dark Elves are perhaps the most feared race in all of Norrath. They are twisted perversions of the Elven race, created by Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate. Dark Elves hate all other races passionately: indeed, their fundamental belief is that through hate, they shall conquer Norrath. The “good” races are pitiful insects meant to be exterminated, while the Troll and Ogre races are tolerated only for their use as tools to further the glory of Neriak. Dark Elves did not take the time to form a logical reaction to Iksar — they simply attack them on sight.
Love, mercy and compassion are pitiful traits displayed by the weak worshippers of other gods. Honor and valor are laughable delusions for those who lack the strength to act ruthlessly. Dark Elves act with cunning and ruthlessness, their motives fueled by the ever-burning hate in their hearts.
In Neriak, the Necromancer rules supreme. Necromancers are feared and respected, as they should be, and rule Neriak from their ghoul- guarded stronghold behind Neriak’s third gate. In other cities, however, Dark Elves are feared and generally killed on sight. Merchants who do not overtly attack Dark Elves will nevertheless refuse to trade with them. Grobb and Oggok are the only other cities where Dark Elves may walk and trade freely.
As children of the shadow, Dark Elves are blessed with ultravision. While the other races stumble blindly in the night, the Dark Elf sees as clearly as if it were the day. Dark Elves also have the innate ability to hide, concealing themselves from sight instantaneously.
Intelligence is one of the Dark Elf’s prime traits. Therefore, Dark Elves make excellent Necromancers, Wizards, Enchanters or Magicians. Although one might think that the path of hatred forbids healing, Dark Elves make very good Clerics. Dark Elves have no ban against healing others — they simply use healing as yet another tool to further the cause of evil. While not superbly strong, Dark Elves nevertheless make formidable Warriors, Shadow Knights and Rogues.
Despite the prejudice against them, Dark Elves are spread throughout Norrath. Some choose to stay within the confines of the evil regions, while others adventure with and “befriend” the good races, using them as tools to further their nefarious goals. Adventurers meeting Dark Elves will find them calculating and confident, for they know that one day they shall rule Norrath.
- Julien Beasley
Class Choices
Class | STR | DEX | AGI | STA | INT | WIS | CHA |
Cleric | 65 | 75 | 90 | 70 | 99 | 93 | 60 |
Enchanter | 60 | 75 | 90 | 65 | 109 | 83 | 70 |
Magician | 60 | 75 | 90 | 75 | 109 | 83 | 60 |
Necromancer | 60 | 85 | 90 | 65 | 109 | 83 | 60 |
Rogue | 60 | 85 | 100 | 65 | 99 | 83 | 60 |
Shadow Knight | 70 | 75 | 90 | 70 | 109 | 83 | 65 |
Warrior | 70 | 75 | 95 | 75 | 99 | 83 | 60 |
Wizard | 60 | 75 | 90 | 75 | 109 | 83 | 60 |
Role Playing Information
Dark Elves are a twisted, evil race, created by the Prince of Hate as a mockery of Elven beauty. Dark Elves are haughty and condescending, yet show signs of strain around the edges of their personalities, hinting that all may not be right with their mental processes.
The Dark Elves are the evil brethren of the Woodland and High Elves. Their skin is blueish-black, their hair white and they share the pointed ears and sharp features of their Elven brethren.
Racial Modifiers
Dark Elves are not overly strong, but they are fast and smart from countless millennia of stabbing themselves in the back in both the figurative and literal senses.
Due to their life under the earth and dedication to evil gods, they have the ability to see perfectly in the dark using Ultravision. Dark Elves also have the ability to hid because of their dark skin.
Class Limitations
Dark Elves are evil, so they shun the lighter classes, such as Druids, Shamans, Paladins, Rangers and Bards. Dark Elves tend to make great Enchanters, Necromancers, Wizards and Magicians. However, they enjoy combat on the physical level almost as much as the magical and can be Warriors or Rouges. Their Clerics' healings and divinations are as tainted as their race, since their worships are directed towards the gods of chaos and pain.
Starting Areas
Thankfully, Dark Elves aren't seen much beyond the forest of eternal night in Neriak.