Gale of Poison

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Spellicon N.png

Creates a rain of poison, causing three waves of 122 damage to everything in a small radius around your target.



1 : Decrease Hitpoints by 122
Mana 200 Skill Evocation
Casting Time 5.00 Recast Time 12.00
Fizzle Time 2.50 Resist Poison (0)
Range 150 Target Type Targeted AE
Spell Type Detrimental Duration Instant
Cast on You Your skin blisters as poison rains down on you.
Cast on Other Someone 's skin blisters.
Wears Off
Expansion Original.gif

Items with Spell Effect

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
East Cabilis Grazik Plaguebringer Temple of Terror (East Tower - Basement) (1126,-263)
Everfrost Peaks Starn Bearjumper Ruined Temple (2870,-36)
Innothule Swamp Stragak Northern Hand (1170,539)