Linaya Sowlin
From The Firionia Vie Project
Mob Information |
About |
Race: Human |
Class: Druid |
Level: 7 |
Spawn Info |
Zone: The Western Plains of Karana |
Location: (Y) -7643 (X) -3739 (Z) 2 |
Respawn Time: 140 seconds |
Expansion: Expansion needed. |
Stats |
AC: AC info needed |
HP: 119 |
Mana: Mana info needed |
Combat |
Damage Per Hit: 1 - 18 |
Attacks per round: Unknown |
Special Abilities: None |
Spells |
Spellset: None |
Attack Proc: None |
Proc Chance: None |
Parent List: None |
Casts: None |
Information needed.
Special Abilities
- See Invis Undead
Spells Attacks
- Superior Healing
- Healing
- Greater Healing
- Light Healing
- Skin like Wood
- Pogonip
- Avalanche
- Ice
- Nullify Magic
- Resist Magic
- Ensnaring Roots
- Engulfing Roots
- Immolate
- Ignite
- Burst of Fire
- Burst of Flame
- Creeping Crud
- Shield of Brambles
- Sunbeam
- Regeneration
- Chloroplast
- Minor Healing
- Combust
- Flame Lick
- Snare
- Grasping Roots
- Invoke Lightning
- Firefist
- Shield of Thistles
- Drones of Doom
- Cascade of Hail
- Skin like Rock
- Stinging Swarm
- Shield of Barbs
- Spirit of Wolf
- Shield of Thorns
- Tremor
- Earthquake
- Lightning Strike
- Lightning Blast
- Skin like Steel
- Skin like Diamond
- Skin like Nature
- Shield of Spikes
- Fire
- Enveloping Roots
- Ensnare
- Thistlecoat
- Barbcoat
- Bramblecoat
- Spikecoat
- Thorncoat
- Drifting Death
- Starfire
- Chloroblast
- Nature's Touch
- Fireburst
- Fixation of Ro
- Ro's Fiery Sundering
- Annul Magic
- Upheaval
- Bladecoat
- Natureskin
- Shield of Blades
- Breath of Ro
- Winged Death
- Blizzard
- Scoriae
- Frost
- Fist of Karana
- Wildfire
- Entrapping Roots
- Engorging Roots
- Calefaction
- Bonds of Tunare
- Ro's Smoldering Disjunction
- Nature's Recovery
- Moonfire
- Earthen Roots
- Storm's Fury
- Immolation of Ro
- Nature's Might
- Nature's Infusion
- Swarming Death
- Savage Roots
- Shield of Bracken
- Summer's Flame
- Brackencoat
- Winter's Frost
- Catastrophe
- Frost Zephyr
- Healing Water
Information needed.
Known Loot
Related Quests
Information needed.