Mistrana two notes
From The Firionia Vie Project
Mob Information |
About |
Race: Half Elf |
Class: Bard |
Level: 25 |
Spawn Info |
Zone: The Western Plains of Karana |
Location: (Y) -2001 (X) -3668 (Z) 23 |
Respawn Time: 140 seconds |
Expansion: Expansion needed. |
Stats |
AC: AC info needed |
HP: 875 |
Mana: Mana info needed |
Combat |
Damage Per Hit: 1 - 54 |
Attacks per round: Unknown |
Special Abilities: None |
Spells |
Spellset: None |
Attack Proc: None |
Proc Chance: None |
Parent List: None |
Casts: None |
Information needed.
Special Abilities
- See Invis Undead
Spells Attacks
- Hymn of Restoration
- Anthem de Arms
- McVaxius' Berserker Crescendo
- Chords of Dissonance
- Brusco's Boastful Bellow
- Largo's Melodic Binding
- Angstlich's Appalling Screech
- Fufil's Curtailing Chant
- Guardian Rhythms
- Elemental Rhythms
- Purifying Rhythms
- Psalm of Warmth
- Psalm of Cooling
- Psalm of Mystic Shielding
- Psalm of Vitality
- Psalm of Purity
- Selo's Accelerando
- Kelin's Lucid Lullaby
- Solon's Song of the Sirens
- Syvelian's Anti-Magic Aria
- Alenia's Disenchanting Melody
- Denon's Disruptive Discord
- Jonthan's Whistling Warsong
- Denon's Dissension
- Selo's Consonant Chain
- Vilia's Verses of Celerity
- Crission's Pixie Strike
- Denon's Desperate Dirge
- Tuyen's Chant of Flame
- Tuyen's Chant of Frost
- Verses of Victory
- Niv's Melody of Preservation
- Solon's Bewitching Bravura
- Sionachie's Dreams
- Dreams of Ayonae
- Ancient: Lullaby of Shadow
- Cantana of Soothing
- Shield of Songs
- Occlusion of Sound
- Brusco's Bombastic Bellow
- Angstlich's Assonance
- Largo's Absonant Binding
- Song of Twilight
- Song of Highsun
- Song of Midnight
- Vilia's Chorus of Celerity
- Selo's Assonant Strane
- Cantana of Replenishment
- McVaxius' Rousing Rondo
- Cassindra's Insipid Ditty
- Niv's Harmonic
- Denon's Bereavement
- Selo's Accelerating Chorus
- Battlecry of the Vah Shir
- Elemental Chorus
- Purifying Chorus
- Chorus of Replenishment
- Warsong of the Vah Shir
- Ervaj's Lost Composition
- Dreams of Thule
- Requiem of Time
- Rizlona's Call of Flame
- Tuyen's Chant of the Plague
- Druzzil's Disillusionment
- Saryrn's Scream of Pain
- Tuyen's Chant of Fire
- Psalm of Veeshan
- Dreams of Terris
- Tuyen's Chant of Venom
- Call of the Banshee
- Chorus of Marr
- Tuyen's Chant of Ice
- Warsong of Zek
- Harmony of Sound
- Lullaby of Morell
- Tuyen's Chant of Poison
- Tuyen's Chant of Disease
- Wind of Marr
Information needed.
Known Loot
Related Quests
Information needed.