
From The Firionia Vie Project
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Spellicon J.png

Hastens your target's natural healing, regenerating 15 hit points every 6 seconds.
If the target regenerates lost health for the entire duration, it can be considered as a 2490 point heal at level 52, for a mana efficiency of 8.3 hp/m.

This effect does not stack with wort pot's effect, Calimony (see Buff Lines for further info).

This spell follows the kunark level restrictions.



1 : Increase Hitpoints by 15 per tick
Mana 300 Skill Alteration
Casting Time 6.00 Recast Time 2.25
Fizzle Time 2.50 Resist Unresistable
Range 100 Target Type Single
Spell Type Beneficial Duration 16.6 minutes @L52 to 20.5 minutes @L65 (19 mins @L60)
Cast on You You begin to regenerate.
Cast on Other Someone begins to regenerate.
Wears Off You have stopped regenerating.
Expansion Kunarkicon.gif

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

Zone Merchant Name Area Location
Firiona Vie Shelae Wolfkin Outpost (-3818,1640)
Firiona Vie Arial Fern Outpost (-3238,2257)
The Overthere Kuglaz Grot Outpost (2757,2422)