Start Playing Today
To get started on The Firiona Vie Project:
- Step 1: Obtain a Client
- Step 1: Obtain DirectX
- Step 2: Create an EQEmu Login Server account (if you do not have one)
- Step 3. Patch the Client
- Step 4. Launch the Game!
Obtain a Client
We recommend getting a copy of the ROF2 Client to play on The Firiona Vie Project. You can download the client easily using our direct download, or you can download peer-to-peer using a bit torrent application.
If you would like to learn more about the various clients available, please take a look at the Client page. We realize that the ROF2 Client is out of era; thank you for mentioning it. We have selected this client because has the greatest level of support for current EQEmu Server code. ROF2 is in use on many EQEmu servers, so you will be able to check out other servers as well if you would like.
Please note that neither the p99 client, nor the TAKP client will work on this server. Those excellent servers require specific, customized clients that will not function here.
Direct Download
We host a copy of the ROF2 client. Here is the link: Reign of Fear Client (8.9GB)
If that does not work, try this (slow): ROF2 Client Mega NZ (7.71GB)
- IMPORTANT NOTE -- Use [1](7Zip) to extract.
Torrent File
If you would rather download P2P, you can download using your favorite torrent application: Zipped Torrent for ROF2
If you don't have a bit torrent client, you could try out uTorrent (Windows Users) or Transmission (Mac)
ROF2 isn't exposed as a normal download on steam but there's a snapshot manifest with the following info to grab a pristine copy
depotdownloader.bat -app 205710 -depot 205711 -manifest 1926608638440811669 -username <user> -password "<pass>"
Releases found here:
Get the correct version of DirectX
Download the correct DirectX version from microsoft.
Create an EQEmu Login Server Account
Probably most of you have one already, but just in case you're new to the world of emulated EQ servers, you'll need a Login Server account. While you're waiting for the download to complete, you can easily get one set up. Point your web browser to Registration. Agree to the Terms and complete the account information. It's a good idea to use a password that you will NEVER forget, because recovering passwords at is fairly tough.
Once you're registered and logged in, choose the Create Account link under the Loginserver Account heading along the left. Put in a name for your login server account user name, and input a password and tab over to confirm the password (the boxes for those fields can be hard to see!).
That's it! Now you have a login server account that will allow you to play on any EQEmu Server.
Patch the ROF2 Client
Once your ROF2 download completes, you'll have to extract the client from the zip file, and then you can start working on getting it patched so that you can play.
Most EQEmu servers require you to patch your client so that you get the server-specific files. If you plan to play on multiple servers, please make a copy of the client specifically for use on The Firiona Vie Project, and then patch that copy. It is important that you patch your client for any EQEmu Server so that you get copies of the spell files, database text strings, zones, etc. If you have a copy of this client from another source, it may be missing key files, including the zone file information for West Commonlands and others, as well as only offering "new" models for wolves, skeletons and the like. While something like models can simply detract from your playing experience, missing zone files can cause crashes or zoning loops--you MUST have the appropriate zone files to use ROF2 on this server!
We've created a custom patcher for The Firiona Vie Project since we support multiple servers with different expansions. The patcher requires .Net 6. Install the dot net desktop version, x86 or x64. Just match the version of pf the patcher you run x86 or x64 with patcher.
Download the latest version for your system here. FVP Patcher Releases.
You can unpack the .exe anywhere you like, but recommend unpacking it in your ROF2 client directory. You can change your ROF2 client directory in the settings inside the patcher. If you have issues with patching files, try running it as administrator.
Wine users can try this approach to install the .Net runtime/sdk. Then you should be able to run the patcher just as the old patcher mentioned below (Mac users only).
If you're curious what we're patching, you can Read About it Here.
Old patcher (patches for classic server)
Please download the Patching program linked below, unzip the eqemupatcher.exe program into your ROF2 client directory, and run it to patch your client. NOTE: do not run the patcher application from a search--you have to navigate to the client directory, right click the patcher application, and choose run as administrator.
Mac users only: the EQEmu Patcher works just fine with Wine. From the command line, in your client directory, enter wine eqemupatcher.exe
. If you have not installed Wine, follow these instructions.
Alternate patcher in Go is found here [2]
Launch the Game
You can launch the game using the patcher!
Windows Users
If you prefer to launch the game using a shortcut, rather than the patcher, follow these instructions.
Mac Users
If you prefer to launch the game using Wine, rather than the patcher, follow these instructions.