Zone Experience Modifiers

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The following Zone Experience Modifiers (ZEM) are in place. ZEM levels are determined based on the earliest possible historical sources.

Zones marked with asterisks (**) have temporarily increased experience levels due to being recently released.

ID Zone Name Zone Short Name ZEM Expansion
48 Accursed Temple of CazicThule cazicthule 1.13 Original.gif
55 Ak'Anon akanon 1.33 Original.gif
36 Befallen befallen 2.13 Original.gif
17 Blackburrow blackburrow 1.33 Original.gif
68 Butcherblock Mountains butcher 1.00 Original.gif
106 Cabilis East cabeast 1.33 Kunarkicon.gif
82 Cabilis West cabwest 1.33 Kunarkicon.gif
103 Chardok chardok 1.13 Kunarkicon.gif
58 Crushbone crushbone 2.13 Original.gif
70 Dagnor's Cauldron cauldron 1.00 Original.gif
22 East Commonlands ecommons 1.00 Original.gif
10 East Freeport freporte 1.00 Original.gif
15 Eastern Plains of Karana eastkarana 1.00 Original.gif
98 Erud's Crossing erudsxing 1.00 Original.gif
24 Erudin erudnext 1.33 Original.gif
30 Everfrost Peaks everfrost 1.00 Original.gif
84 Firiona Vie firiona 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
92 Frontier Mountains frontiermtns 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
16 Gorge of King Xorbb beholder 1.00 Original.gif
52 Grobb grobb 1.33 Original.gif
29 Halas halas 1.33 Original.gif
6 High Keep highkeep 1.00 Original.gif
5 Highpass Hold highpass 1.06 Original.gif
407 Highpass Hold highpasshold 1.06 Original.gif
46 Innothule Swamp innothule 1.00 Original.gif
88 Kaesora kaesora 1.33 Kunarkicon.gif
102 Karnor's Castle karnor 1.13 Kunarkicon.gif
64 Kedge Keep kedge 1.67 Original.gif
74 Kerra Isle kerraridge 1.33 Original.gif
20 Kithicor Forest kithicor 1.00 Original.gif
97 Kurn's Tower kurn 2.00 Kunarkicon.gif
85 Lake of Ill Omen lakeofillomen 0.80 Kunarkicon.gif
51 Lake Rathetear lakerathe 1.00 Original.gif
33 Misty Thicket misty 1.00 Original.gif
32 Nagafen's Lair soldungb 1.06 Original.gif
44 Najena najena 1.33 Original.gif
42 Neriak - 3rd Gate neriakc 1.33 Original.gif
41 Neriak - Commons neriakb 1.33 Original.gif
40 Neriak - Foreign Quarter neriaka 1.33 Original.gif
8 North Freeport freportn 1.33 Original.gif
67 North Kaladim kaladimb 1.33 Original.gif
2 North Qeynos qeynos2 1.00 Original.gif
34 Northern Desert of Ro nro 1.00 Original.gif
61 Northern Felwithe felwithea 1.33 Original.gif
37 Oasis of Marr oasis 1.00 Original.gif
69 Ocean of Tears oot 1.00 Original.gif
49 Oggok oggok 1.33 Original.gif
75 Paineel paineel 1.00 Original.gif
76 Plane of Hate hateplane 1.00 Original.gif
19 Rivervale rivervale 1.33 Original.gif
31 Solusek's Eye soldunga 1.73 Original.gif
60 South Kaladim kaladima 1.33 Original.gif
1 South Qeynos qeynos 1.00 Original.gif
35 Southern Desert of Ro sro 1.00 Original.gif
62 Southern Felwithe felwitheb 1.33 Original.gif
56 Steamfont Mountains steamfont 1.00 Original.gif
26 Sunset Home cshome 1.00 CS Only (No Players)
77 The Arena arena 1.00 Original.gif
87 The Burning Wood burningwood 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
59 The Castle of Mistmoore mistmoore 1.00 Original.gif
65 The City of Guk guktop 2.00 Original.gif
90 The City of Mist citymist 1.13 Kunarkicon.gif
104 The Crypt of Dalnir dalnir 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
86 The Dreadlands dreadlands 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
94 The Emerald Jungle emeraldjungle 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
23 The Erudin Palace erudnint 1.33 Original.gif
63 The Estate of Unrest unrest 1.73 Original.gif
47 The Feerrott feerrott 1.00 Original.gif
78 The Field of Bone fieldofbone 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
54 The Greater Faydark gfaydark 1.00 Original.gif
39 The Hole hole 1.33 Kunarkicon.gif
105 The Howling Stones charasis 1.13 Kunarkicon.gif
18 The Lair of the Splitpaw paw 1.20 Original.gif
27 The Lavastorm Mountains lavastorm 1.00 Original.gif
57 The Lesser Faydark lfaydark 1.00 Original.gif
11 The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye runnyeye 1.33 Original.gif
107 The Mines of Nurga nurga 1.19 Kunarkicon.gif
25 The Nektulos Forest nektulos 1.00 Original.gif
25 The Nektulos Forest nektulos 1.00 Original.gif
13 The Northern Plains of Karana northkarana 1.00 Original.gif
93 The Overthere overthere 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
73 The Permafrost Caverns permafrost 1.20 Original.gif
72 The Plane of Fear fearplane 1.00 Original.gif
76 The Plane of Hate hateplane 1.00 Original.gif
71 The Plane of Sky airplane 1.00 Original.gif
45 The Qeynos Aqueduct System qcat 1.20 Original.gif
4 The Qeynos Hills qeytoqrg 1.00 Original.gif
50 The Rathe Mountains rathemtn 1.00 Original.gif
66 The Ruins of Old Guk gukbottom 1.06 Original.gif
89 The Ruins of Sebilis sebilis 1.13 Kunarkicon.gif
91 The Skyfire Mountains skyfire 1.06 Kunarkicon.gif
14 The Southern Plains of Karana southkarana 1.00 Original.gif
100 The Stonebrunt Mountains stonebrunt 1.00 Veliousicon.gif
3 The Surefall Glade qrg 1.33 Original.gif
83 The Swamp of No Hope swampofnohope 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
81 The Temple of Droga droga 1.19 Kunarkicon.gif
80 The Temple of Solusek Ro soltemple 1.33 Original.gif
101 The Warrens warrens 2.00 Veliousicon.gif
79 The Warsliks Woods warslikswood 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
12 The Western Plains of Karana qey2hh1 1.00 Original.gif
96 Timorous Deep timorous 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
38 Toxxulia Forest tox 1.00 Original.gif
95 Trakanon's Teeth trakanon 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
108 Veeshan's Peak veeshan 1.00 Kunarkicon.gif
21 West Commonlands commons 1.00 Original.gif
9 West Freeport freportw 1.00 Original.gif

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