Split Paw Clan
We were forged from the Earth by the hands of our lord, Brell Serilis. He molded us into an image that suited him, and we were glad. Such is our role to learn and expand, and be one with the underworld. - History of the Verishe Mal, Vol. 1
The clan of gnolls which live in The Lair of the Splitpaw. They are divided into a rigid social caste system led by The Ishva Mal.
The Splitpaw Gnolls are aligned with the Sabertooths of Blackburrow.
Both the Guards of Qeynos and the Karana Residents take a dim view of these gnolls.
Zones in which you can raise the faction
- none
Zones in which you can lower the faction
Quests in which you can raise the faction
- none
Quests in which you can lower the faction
- none
Mobs you can kill to raise the faction
- none
Mobs you can kill to lower the faction
- A Lteth Mal Gnoll
- A Lteth Mas Gnoll
- A Lteth Val Gnoll
- A Nisch Mal Gnoll
- A Nisch Mas Gnoll
- A Nisch Val Gnoll
- A Rosch Mal Gnoll
- A Rosch Mas Gnoll
- A Rosch Val Gnoll
- A Tesch Mal Gnoll
- A Tesch Mas Gnoll
- A Tesch Val Gnoll
- Verishe Mal Executioner
- Verishe Mal Judge
- The Ishva Mal
- Tesch Val Kadvem
- Tesch Val Deval`Nmak